Ch.12-Turning tail

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Things were really starting to get insane, as the guinea pigs began hijacking the armored cars and driving the loot to Marmalade's mansion. Meanwhile, Diane, Wolf, and Julie arrived outside the mansion.

Diane:Once we steal the meteorite, we take it straight to the police.

Wolf:And all will be forgiven.

Diane:I don't know about "all," but it's a start.

After they managed to break in, Wolf noticed that the Golden Dolphin was out in the open.

Wolf:That's strange. Why would Marmalade leave the Golden Dolphin unprotected?

Diane:Because maybe it's a trap.

Wolf:Or maybe...

Diane:Wait, wait, wait!

Julie:Wolf, don't!

The three ended up getting electrocuted. When they woke up, they were tied up and upside down.

Wolf:Yeah, it was a trap.

Julie:Gee, ya think?

MARMALADE: Well, well, well. If it isn't my two prized pupils. And you've brought along the governor. Or should I say...the Crimson Paw?

Diane gasped.

Marmalade whiped out the ring Diane was wearing.

Marmalade:Mm, what an ingenious way to disguise a Zumpango diamond, hiding it in plain sight.

Wolf:You got to be kidding me.

Diane:What? I'm sentimental.

Marmalade:You always did have panache. And yet, you still fell right into my trap.

Julie:How'd you even know we were gonna be here?

Marmalade:Oh, I got a little tip from a friend.

The door opened up and the three couldn't believe who it was:Snake!

Snake:Hey, buddy. How's it hanging?


Snake:What can I say? We just clicked.

Wolf:Oh, yeah? How's it feel to be working for your favorite food?

Snake:Ah, you're just jealous to be missing out on the heist of the century. It's got everything:betrayal, a meteor, mind control. Can I try it on?

Marmalade:Of course, partner.

Snake put the helmet.

Snake:Nice. All the crime with none of the exercise.

Julie:If we weren't tied up at the moment, I'd strangle you.

Wolf:Yeah. What about all that "flower of goodness" talk?  Was it all just a lie?

Marmalade:Uh, pretty much, yeah. You see, I never cared about what's "good." Only what's good for me. Like, say, a billion dollars. Ooh, I just got a tingle. (laughs)

Marmalade and Snake exited the room.

Marmalade:Go bad-

Snake:-Or go home.

They fist bumped. and shared a laugh.

Julie:Hey! That's our thing!

Marmalade:Cuddles, finish them.

His servant pulled a lever and the floor under the three opened up to show a pit full of drills and saws. However, through the vent's came out a strange green gas.

Diane:(yelps) Poison gas! Don't breathe in!

Wolf sniffed the air.

Wolf:Wait a second. That's not poison gas.

Julie:Technically, it's another form of poison gas.


Through the vents came out the rest of the group!

Piranha:Surprise! (laughs)

Wolf:What? Ah, guys. I can't believe it's you.

Julie:We thought you guys left!

Tarantula:You two were right!

Shark:We felt the wag, man.

Piranha:And the tingle.

Wolf:It's good, right?

Diane:(chuckles) This is super moving, but can we do this later?

Shark:Feels like I got a rhythm section in my fin.

He and Piranha began beatboxing

Diane:Ugh. Come on. SPINNING BLADES!

Shark:Oh, yeah. Right.

Tarantula:Sorry. I got it.

Wolf:Am I happy to see you. (sighs)

Wolf and Julie embraced the group.

Wolf: Now it's time to huff and puff and blow this little piggy's heist down.


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