Bonus-The Maraschino Ruby

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Wolf, Snake, and Julie were browsing through a convenience store when Julie came across a certain newspaper.

Julie:Dad, Snake, you might want to see this...

They purchased the newspaper.

Wolf:Look what the Chief said about us "The Ruby is safe from those Stupid, Lame and Stupid Bad Guys"?

Snake:Woah. Two stupids?

Julie:I know she spent years chasing us, but seriously?

Snake:Pretty petty, I know. Okay, I'm in.

They joined the rest of the group in the car. Snake then pulled out a push pop.

Wolf:Hey, did you pay for that push pop?

Snake:What? Do you want to see a receipt?

Cops almost instantly were on the scene.


Julie:Man, those guys are fast.

Wolf:Okay, let's do this!

Wolf began explaining the plan.

Meanwhile, at the museum, Chief Misty was guarding the ruby.

Misty:Ah ha! Gotcha! I knew you could resist after calling ya "stupid" twice ya...

The person with the ruby was actually just another officer.

Misty:Wait...Officer Bob? What are you doing here?

Bob:Said in the news report The Maraschino Ruby is possibly fake. And it does seem likes its made of candy.

Misty:Well of course it is. I made it myself. The real one is with me at all times. This was all an elaborate plot to catch The Bad Guys.

Bob:I thought gone good. But it turns out they were arrested earlier today.


The both speed down to the station and the group minus Shark were sitting in an interrogation room.

Wolf:That's two stupids, too many, Chief.

Julie:Try to move your insults past the fifth grade.

Misty:I can't believe my eyes! How?!

Bob:They were arrested this morning for stealing a...push pop.


Snake was licking the push pop, but put it away.

Misty:Ha HA! A crime is a crime! And YOU are guiltyyyy. Even if its for a minor legal infraction. Case Clooosed! I win! And you-

Shark then came in with a lawyer disguise.

Shark:Objection! Jude Lawson, Attorney at law. And I am outraged, OUTRAGED! To see my poor, frightened clients, interrogated, without their lawyer present, which I am!

Julie:Man I wish I had some popcorn for this.

Shark opened his briefcase up and pulled out a receipt for the push pop.

Shark:Exhibit A:A receipt for 79 cents! Thus proving that they are entirely innocent! Furthermore, planting a fake ruby for them to steal is called "Entrapment"! Which is an illegal crime.

Julie:Yeah. Thought you of all people would know that, Chief. How disappointing.

Shark:My thoughts exactly! Officer, arrest this officer!

Misty:What?! That is ridiculous!

Officer Bob cuffed Chief Misty.

Bob:It's true. Sorry. MAJOR legal infraction.

Julie was trying so hard not to laugh. Wolf dialed the phone.

Wolf:Chief, we won't press charges IF you'd like to retract a certain statement.

Chief Misty's face turned red with embarrassment.

A few hours after the group was released, Chief Misty was crying in her office. A new newspaper was dropped at the front door and Officer Bob picked it up.

Misty:We almost had them!

Bob:There there, Chief. On the bright side, the real Maraschino Ruby has been returned from the museum.

Misty:Wait...But I-but I didn't return the r-

She reached into her pocket and pulled out the push pop

Misty:Oh no no no...

When Wolf grabbed the phone, he snatched the real ruby from her pocket and the group snuck into the museum to return it.

Bob:I guess they're not so bad after all.

Chief Misty broke the push pop in half in her anger.

Misty:(Through teeth) Oh friggen dang it! AHHHHH!

Wolf, Snake and Julie got the latest paper.

Wolf:Look at here "The Ruby is safe from these not so stupid Bad Guys."

Julie:I can just hear the Chief having a temper tantrum.


Wolf:It was surprisingly easy.

Wolf pulled out the candy ruby.

Snake:Like taking candy from a large, and very angry baby.

Snake ate the candy ruby. The group then drove off.

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