"Shes sleep deprived."

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"Hey, Stace." Shawn said while coming up next to me.

"Don't call me that." I demanded.

"Are you really gonna wear that?" He asked while looking me up and down.

"Yeah. Why? Is something wrong with it?" I asked while nervously looking at my shirt to see if I had any stains that I had not seen before.

"It's just a little...flashy." He commented.

"It is not. Why do you care anyway?" I asked while crossing my arms.

"I don't." He defended.

"You totally do. Why do you all of the sudden care how I dress?"

"It's just we're in high school now, Stacey. Y'know guys are gonna start looking." He explained.

"I'm still not seeing your point, Hunter. Guys don't look at me anyway."

"Yeah but it's high school they'll be looking at every girl, and you don't wanna get caught up and boys and stuff." He shrugged.

"Isn't that for me to decide? Besides, maybe I do want to get caught up with boys." I shot back.

I must have shut him up because he didn't say a word about it the whole way to school. I happily walked to school, now very excited to see if guys would actually be looking at me for once.

We walked in all following behind Cory.

"This is it!" Cory shouted "High school! What happens to us now will determine our entire futures!"

"Are my sideburns on straight?" Shawn asked. I rolled my eyes at him and looked around.

"Shawn, it's just a school. There's the lockers. Therss a class."

"It's a lot bigger than I thought."I played with my hands nervously.

"And a kid in his underwear.."

I glanced over at the boy walking the halls in nothing but his boxers "I guess the dress code is non-existent."

"They took my clothes!" He whined.

"Who did?" I asked nervously.

"The seniors. The seniors took my clothes!" He said.

"Why?" Cory asked.

"Because I'm a new guy." My eyes widened.

"Well I'm a new guy." He said with a petrified look in his eyes.

"Good luck to you." He said to Cory then walked away.

"Um Core.." Shawn shivered nervously.

"No, no. He must've had it coming." He reasoned.

A tall upperclassmen came Cory's way and I tried to warn him.

"Core-" he interrupted me

"He must've done something." Before he knew it he was lifted off the ground and pressed against the he locker.

"Hey, knock it off!" I shouted at the unfamiliar guy.

"Stay out of it, princess."

"What'd I do?" Cory asked eagerly.

"You were almost in my way!" Cory aggressively pulled out his notes and flipped through them.

"You're Franky Stechino, right?" The big goon dropped Cory down to the ground, landing on his feet.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" His voice softened a bit.

"Strong territorial sense." He read off his notes. My eyes widened in fear of now knowing what may set this guy off so I stood next to Cory just in case. Shawn stepped in front of me pushing me backwards to stay out of the way of this guy.

Incredibly Average| BMW Shawn Hunter Where stories live. Discover now