"Youre not talking about Stacey,are you?"

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Ever since the day I heard all of Shawn's real feelings, he suddenly became distant. For some odd reason. He just kept blowing me and Cory off to go on dates with other girls. For weeks now.

"You're gonna talk to him tonight, right Cory?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm gonna have him come over and confront him." Cory said.

"Ok good. We need to get to the bottom of this. You didn't tell him that I know what he said,right?" I asked sternly. "It's like everything he said was a lie. I wish he could just see me the way I see him."

"I didn't tell him. I'll let you know what happens, bye Annie."

"Bye Cor!" I stood at my locker defeated.

later that day at Cory's—
—Cory's POV—
I had Shawn come over that night to know what he was blowing us off for a couple of dates. He walked in through the back and sat down.

"Shawn we need to talk." I demanded.

"Hello to you too." He looked shocked at my yelling. "Talk about what?"

"You keep blowing me and Annie off. What gives?" I asked annoyed.

"No I don't." He defended.

"Yes you do, you keep doing "rain checks" everytime we make plans. And for what? A couple of dates with some stupid girls?"

"They're not stupid." He stood up angrily.

"Oh really? What are they?" I asked.

"Just not stupid. Why are you so against me trying to find a girl to be in a relationship with? Don't I get to be happy?" He yelled.

"Shawn. You're going out with every other girl when the one you should be with is right infront of you."

"You're not talking about Stacey, are you?" He asked quietly.

"Yes I am."

"Cor look, I already told you. We can't be together. She deserves better than me. I'm nothing. I'm trailer trash, alright? Annie deserves everything and more." He defended.

"What if she doesn't want better?" I asked him. The back door then opened and someone walked in.

Anastasia's pov—

"What if she's ok with trailer trash?" I asked while walking in through the door.

"Stace, uh how did you hear that?" Shawn asked nervously.

"The windows open. Listen Shawn, I don't care about your living situation, or- or you're reputation. The fact that you want me to have the very best, just shows that you are just as good as any other rich preppy guy out there. Okay? You are good enough.No, you're more than good enough. " I reassured.

"But, Stacey, I'm not."

"You are. Look all that stuff you said at my house, I heard it all. The truth is, I have been stuck out side of your own little world, looking in at the guy that I care about more than anyone. At the guy who I thought could never want a girl like me. You and I both know that I see my self as just average, but Shawnie, you make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world and that is the best feeling ever, so if I have to be the first one to say it I will be, I love you Shawn. I always have, okay? And I always always will." He stood up from his seat and walked over to me before engulfing me in a tight hug. He pulled away and cupped my face and just looked at me mesmerised.

He leaned in then kissed me right on the lips. I felt a light pink blush creep onto my cheeks as he pulled away, but that didn't last long because I pulled him right back in a kissed him again.

"I love you too, Annie...You're more than average to me." He said softly after pulling away for a moment. I pulled him back into the hug and just held him for what felt like forever. " Stacey, I know you probably want to take things slow right now, but I just wanted to ask if you maybe, when you're ready if you...wanna give this a chance?"

I looked at him,smiled, and chuckled. "We're in a little too deep to "take things slow" at this point." I teased. He looked down at me and smiled.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He let out an airy laugh and kept his arms around me. Just then someone entered into the kitchen right behind us.

"What is this?" Eric asked confused. "You and Shawn....you and Annie?" He looked horrified. "Ah, it was bound to happen. Kids.." he sighed then walked  as if he had just proved a long awaited conclusion to his hypothesis.

We all laughed at Eric's delusional sense of reality.

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