"Little did he know..."

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I waited outside the principals office for Shawn. My cheeks stained from my dripping mascara. My arms were crossed as I leaned my back against the wall. The door opened and out walked Shawn.

I stood there with a stern look on my face. Not because I was mad at him, but because I was upset, but I guess he thought I was upset with him because he immediately tried to explain himself.

"Look, Stacey, I know I shouldn't have punched him but just listen, I only did it bec-" my face softened and before he could continue I engulfed him in a hug.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"For what?" He asked.

"Just...thank you." We stood there with our arms around each other for a good two minutes before I broke down. He rubbed my back and reassured me everything would be okay.

"It's okay, Stacey.." he said quietly.

"I should have just listened to you." I spoke softly in fear that I would cry more. "I'm so stupid."

"Hey...you're not stupid. He doesn't deserve you." We stood there for about 30 more seconds before I pulled away. He wiped the tears from my face and smiled at me. I smiled back.

"There's that smile. What'd you say we blow off the rest of school and go to chubbies?" He offered.

"I think I'd rather go home, Shawnie."

"That's fine. We'll go to your place." He said.

"It's okay, you don't have to."

"No, I want to." I smiled at him and I wiped my eyes.

I walked home with Shawn and unlocked the door. My mom was at work so we had the house to ourselves. I walked up to my room and plopped on the bed and Shawn sat in my desk chair. I let out a sigh of defeat and just looked down at my hands.

"Stace? You okay?" He asked. Those words made my eyes fill with tears. I kept looking down at my hands while I responded.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said. My voice cracking a bit. The tears in my eyes threatening to spill.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

I looked up for a second then back down at my hands before shaking my head no.

"I'm not okay. I want to be but I'm just-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before I just started sobbing into my hands. I gasped for air as my crying prohibited me from being able to breathe normally. I sat there shaking. Crying. Not being able to understand why this had happened to me. Mid-sob I felt someone hug me super tight, obviously it was Shawn. I took my hands from my face and wrapped them around Shawn. He gently rubbed my back and kept telling me it was going to be okay.

"That douche doesn't deserve you,okay? You're way to good for him." He tried to make me feel better but I couldn't believe a word he said.

I shook my head no and proceeded to say "That's not true. I tried so hard to make this work and I still failed..." he pulled away to say something to me.

"Look at me." He said while I was looking down and shaking my head. He tilted chin upwards to look at him. "Annie, I mean it when I say you are too good for him. You are too smart,kind,beautiful, and selfless for him. You deserve so much better than that piece of junk."

"Thanks Shawn. That means a lot." I said sincerely.

"No thanks necessary for speaking the truth, here let's get comfortable and watch a movie okay?" He offered while putting his arm around me. I nodded at him and he grabbed my blanket and remote. He got up and put a move in and used my remote to turn on my TV and then on the movie, then put the blanket over us as he pulled me closer. I leaned on him and looked up at the movie before just looking down as I closed my eyes. He played with my hair as he watched the movie. He started to talk about the movie before looking down at me and seeing that my eyes were closed. He stopped talking and gave me a friendly kiss on the forehead.

"I know you're asleep-" I wasn't. "But, you really didn't deserve this. And I mean it. I never wanted you with that guy because you deserve so much better than scum. Hell, you deserve so much better than the best guy in the world. You are the most extraordinary girl I've ever laid my eyes on, Annie."

I kept my eyes closed as he spoke. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I never knew he thought that way about me.

"I know you think you're just average but you're more than average to me. You're beyond extraordinary actually. And I will never let another guy hurt you ever again. I would never hurt you like this, but you're too good for me, but I will make sure any guy you get with is good enough for you even thought there aren't any anywhere near as good as you deserve but I will make sure you get the next best thing. Always. If anyone else ever tries to hurt you I will hurt them way worst than they've ever been hurt."

I wanted to cry, and just "wake up" and tell him what I wanted say, but I thought I was in too deep already.

"Y'know, Cory always asks me why I don't just get with you and the truth is, I don't think I could ever give you what you deserve. I'm not good enough for you. You deserve so much better than traitor park trash.....God, I'm so glad you're not awake to hear this right now. That would have been so embarrassing, hah." Little did he know...

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