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Topangas pov:

"What was that all about?" I asked Shawn angrily.

"Nothing." He replied.

"That? That wasn't nothing." I lectured. "Did you not see her face? That was really uncalled for,Shawn."

"I was just being honest. There's something off about that guy."

"Yeah okay, but you didn't have to call her love life pathetic." I answered while sitting. "She already struggles with dating and she doesn't need you to remind her of it!"

"I guess your right, but I'm serious that guy is not good for her. He's a player. He gets with a ton of girls and leads them on then breaks their heart." He explained.

"Sound familiar?" I asked while getting up. "I think you owe Annie and apology." I walked out the door and went home to wait for Annie's call after her first date.

Anastasia's POV:

I walked to chubbies as I twiddled nervously with my fingers. My first date. I was really annoyed with Shawn for what he said. I knew my love life was pathetic but it was just more hurtful to hear him say it. I shouldn't take too much offense to it though, his love life is pretty pathetic as well. This boy can't keep a girl for more than a week. That to me,is just sad. But, who cared? I was way too nervous to think about that anymore. I walked into chubbies and looked for Sawyer until I saw him wave me over.

"Hey! Stacey! Over here." I walked over to him and sat across from him.

"Nobody actually calls me Stacey, by the way." I told him while taking off my jacket and placing it next to me.

"Well, now somebody does." I smiled sheepishly at him. "Isn't that what Shawn calls you?"

"Yeah, it's his nickname for me."

"I already ordered you a coke, is that okay?" He asked.

"That's perfect." After a couple minutes of small talk I was finally comfortable enough to be myself. We talked about so much. We actually had a lot in common. His parents were also divorced, he was living with his dad and he loved old movies, just like me. He was actually really sweet. He laughed at all my jokes, and complimented my eyes. Which was a huge complete coming from him. He has big bright blue eyes that you could get lost in. Cliché, I know, but he was a so genuine. It was definitely a great first date.

After we paid, he offered to walk me home. Which obviously I accepted. We walked and laughed the whole way back to my house. He walked me to the door and stopped me before I walked in.

"I had a great time tonight, Stacey." My heart fluttered.

"Yeah, I did too." I smiled at him.

"Hopefully we can do this again." He requested.

"Yeah, definitely, but only if I get to pick the place." I insisted.

"Deal." He smiled down at me before leaning in. Oh my gosh. Was it finally about to happen? My first kiss? My stomach dropped as I leaned in the rest of the way. Our lips connected for about 10 seconds before we both pulled away.

"Well. Goodnight Stacey." He turned around and walked down my patio.

"Good night, Sawyer." I unlocked the door and closed it and let my back slide down as butterflies flooded my stomach.

"Yes!" I whispered to myself as I got up. I walked upstairs, got undressed out of my day clothes and put on my pajamas before drifting to sleep.

I woke up the next morning feeling amazing. I hopped down the stairs and went to go get dressed. I put on my ripped jeans and my favorite graphic tee. I walked into the kitchen to see my mom sitting in her work clothes.

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