"I could get kidnapped!"

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The second to last bell ring indicating that I had only one more class to go to. Shawn walked me to my class.

"Why are you taking art? You hate art." He asked.

"I dunno, looks good on a college app."

"Totally not worth it." He said in a relaxed tone.

"Yeah, well you have fun in study hall and I'll be furthering my education in the arts." I did a little spin for illusion.

"Alright. Bye, Babe."

"Don't call me-" I turned around only to see he was already gone. I walked into my class room and saw there was note cards on the desks to indicate who sat where. I found my seat and sat down, setting my bag down by my feet. Just then one of the most beautiful boy I've ever laid eyes on walked into my class. I recognized him. His name was Sawyer and he was two years older than me. He was...dare I say? Hot. He walked closer to me and sat down next to me. My heart skipped a beat. How could it not? He was the hottest guy in his grade. I looked forward at my teacher who was writing her name 'Miss. Ellis' on the board.

"Alright, Hi! I'm your teacher Miss. Ellis! So nice to see all these new faces!" She was so chipper and upbeat. I'll admit it was a bit sickening, but she seemed so sweet. "So since it is the first day of school I have laid out various art medias that you may use to create your very first piece of artwork for your portfolio."

Seemed easy enough.

"Here's the twist, every five minutes you and your desk partner swap papers and add on." I knew it was too good to be true. "Your time starts now!" I picked up a 2b pencil and sketched a oceanfront. After five minutes we swapped. He handed me his paper and it had a unfinished skull drawn. The top of the skull was not drawn so I took the opportunity to draw flowers growing from the skull. We handed it back to eachother and he spoke to me.

"Wow, this is amazing." He compliments.

"Oh, thank you. Yours is too. I mean that skull was flawless." He smiled and looked down at his paper. On mine, he added a board walk next to the oceanfront, so it was only appropriate that I added a Ferris wheel.

By the end of class we ended with two totally different, but rad pieces of art work.

Mine ended up a beautiful board walk with a sun setting as the Ferris wheel spun. Sawyers ended up being a skull with flowers growing form it vines wrapping around the skull.

As we packed up I felt Sawyers eyes on me. It made me feel a bit uneasy. Before class ended the teacher had asked us to bring in a photograph of ourselves the next day. The bell rung and I walked out of the room to where I was met by Shawn. We walked to my locker and he stepped away to check out some other chick.

Shawn's pov:

I stepped away from Stacey for a second to scope out some hot girl. Then, some guy came up to me asking about Stacey.

"Hey, man. I saw you were talking to that girl. Who is she?" He asked. Who doesn't know who Stacey is? Stacey is Stacey.

"That, my friend is Anastasia 'Stacey' Barlow. Only I call her Stacey because she hates it. Why?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing, she's just hot.I want her number. " I looked at him in shock.

"Well, good luck getting it. She's extremely stubborn." I warned him.

"Well, I don't need luck. I've got the look." He said while running his fingers through his hair. My jaw was dropped. That was my thing. The hair thing. Mine. That's my look. But I know my Stacey.. she'd never give into a guy like that. Never.

Anastasia's pov:

I closed my locker and saw Sawyer walking towards me.

"Hey, Stacey, right?" He asked. I was shocked. Nobody called me that.

"Yeah, hi." I answered shyly.

"Heh, I just wanted to know if I could have your number? And maybe grab a coke at Chubbies tonight around, let's say seven?" He asked while running his hand through his hair. Shawn who?

"Uhm sure." I wrote my number down and handed it to him. "Here's my number and I will
Let you know about chubbies. Should be fine."

"Alright, sounds good, see ya, Stacey." I waved to him as he walked away.

I tuned around to grab Shawn and go home "Alright Shawn we can-" I walked to see him making out with some girl.

"You coming Shawn?" I asked.

No response.

"You're supposed to walk me home Y'know."


"I could get kidnapped!" Still nada. "Or killed!"


"I have a date tonight." No answer.

"Nice to know that making out with some random girl is more important than your friends." I huffed and stomped away with my arms crossed. Who cares about him? Forget him. I have a date to get ready for.

I got home and immediately rang up Topanga. She was at my house five minutes later. She brought a big bag of makeup and hair stuff.

Once she was done with my transformation I looked in the mirror and so did she then she looked at me.

"I look unrecognizable!" I gawked.

"Sit." She took a makeup wipe and removed some of my makeup.

I looked back in the mirror disappointed.

"Now I just look like me." I frowned.

"Exactly. You don't need makeup to impress a boy. Plus if you're going to wear so much to the pout where no one knows who you are, that's just fake."
I nodded agreeing with her. I slipped into a cute black dress, and put on my white wedges.

"You look great!" Topanga yelled.

"Thanks! Now we gotta go to Cory's. I gotta show them." We rushed out the door and walked to the Matthews.

I bursted in the door where I saw Shawn and Cory pretending to be productive. Amy saw me and her jaw dropped.

"Annie, you look beautiful! What's she occasionally!" She asked. Shawn and Cory turned to look at me after hearing the Ruckus. 

"Woah, why are you so dressed up?" Shawn asked.

"Well, Shawn if you were listening today when I was talking to you, I have a date."

"A date?" I heard Amy Ask. "With who?"

"A boy from my art class. His names Sawyer." I squealed.

"Ew, You're going with him?" Shawn asked defensively. "He's a creep."

"Yeah, why do you care?" I asked.

"As if I care about your pathetic love life." He retorted.

"Shawn!" Topanga lectured.

"It's fine Topanga, I have a pathetic date to attend anyway." I said in an upset tone as I mocked his use of the word pathetic. "See you later, I guess..."

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