"You have...thirty seconds."

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Friday morning rolled around faster than expected. As Shawn,Cory, and I sat in home room I started to doze off. I laid my head on my desk and closed my eyes and I guess Cory and Shawn had the same idea. Mr.Turner woke them up and they groaned.

"You're letting Stacey sleep!" Shawn argued.

"Yeah! Why does she get to sleep?" Cory whined.

"Anastasia does all her work. Want me to pull up you're report cards from last year?" Mr.Turner threatened.

"You may continue.." Cory said quietly.

"Excellent." Mr.Turner replied. He continued with his lecture and I still had my head down pretending to be asleep.


The day was long, and lunch couldn't have come at a better time. I was tired and losing motivation in class, so a break was well needed. Shawn,
Cory and I walked out of class together. He slung an arm around my shoulder as he always did in past years.

"Shawn..." I said quietly.

"What's up, babe?" He asked flirtatiously.

"As much as I love our playful flirting sessions, this can't continue. I'm talking to someone now." I explained while shrugging his arm off my shoulder.

"So?" He asked unbothered.

"'So'? The whole 'babe' thing has got to stop," I could tell he was hurt but it seemed to be unloyal of me.

"Oh please. It doesn't mean anything. I call everyone babe. Even Cory."

"It's true." Cory chimed in.

I playfully rolled my eyes and continued walking to lunch.

The day was nearing its end and I was in my last class of the day. As per usual, Sawyer walked in, gave me a kiss, then sat down and I continued with my art project.

"Again, I'm real sorry about tonight. I spaced and forgot about my other plans." He apologised for the millionth time that week.

"And again, don't be sorry. It happens." I reassured before getting back to my work. I adding the facial features to Shawn's face, which was easily the hardest face to draw because of course he made the weirdest face possible making it so difficult to draw.

"I'm gonna kill him." I whispered to myself as I continued with my work.

Eventually the bell rang and Sawyer and I walked out hand in hand. He walked me to my locker so I could put away my books. I turned around and walked with him while searching for my friends. I spotted them standing near Cory's locker saving while they had an argument with Topanga.

"You're wrong." Shawn said to Topanga.

"Explain to me how I'm wrong." She demanded.

"What's going on?" I asked,still, hand in hand with Sawyer.

"I'm trying to explain to Cory and Shawn that a female president would be much better for society than a male president." She explained.

"Ah, I see."

"And I'm trying to explain that a dude would be a better president. Girls over think too much. Us men, we get right down to business." He crossed his arms and smiled proudly as Topanga walked away. "Hah! I won."

"No, it's just that this conversation it not mentally stimulating. Your stupidity is contagious Shawn. Good day." She walked away without a care in the work.

"Mentally stimulating- psh. I'm plenty smart." He argued.

"Definitely. You're as sharp as a marble, Shawnie." I silently laughed to myself as his face lit up.

"Thank you!" He said as if he had just proved something.

"I gotta go, Stacey." Sawyer said looking down at me.

"Stacey?" Cory asked. "Only Shawn calls her Stacey.."

"Yeah, you really don't have to call me Stacey. Annie is just fine." I said quietly.

"I like Stacey better. Catch you later." He kissed my cheek and walked off.

"Ima go home. I'll see you two later." Shawn said them walked off on a hurry.

"Is he okay?" I asked Cory.

"I think so. He's probably just in a mood."

"Yeah. Probably just PMSing." I teased.

"What?" Cory asked confused.

"Don't worry about it."

Later that day I was walking with Shawn to chubbies since my plans for that night were cancelled. Shawn walked in first, but immediately walked out and tried to convince me to go somewhere else.

"What is up with you?" I asked. I pushed past him and walked in only to see what he had just tried to warn me about.

It was Sawyer and his Ex, Tory. He had his arms wrapped around her. Instead of going home I walked right up to him.

"Stay here." I said to Shawn.

"Sawyer, wasn't expecting to see you here." I crossed my arms.

"Who's this?" The blonde girl asked snobbishly.

"This is Stacey. Stacey this is my friend Tory." He pulled me aside and had a look of guilt on his face. "Let me explain."

"You have...thirty seconds."

"Ok, it's really not what it looks like." How cliche.

"Oh really? Because to me it looks like you were just hugging your ex that you blew me off for."

"Listen. Nothings going on between us. Tory's parents are splitting up and it's hitting her really hard. I'm just trying to be a good friend for her." He explained. As a child of divorce, I couldn't help but feel sympathy for this girl. When my parents divorced, I was four. Growing up without a dad or two loving parents was really hard so I could imagine how it feels for her to watch her parents fall out of love.

"Oh...is she ok?" I asked.

"Yeah she's alright. It's just hard for her. You understand,right."

"Yeah." I nodded. "I do. You're a good friend for that." He smiled at me and gave me a kiss.

"You can stay if you want to." He offered.

"That's ok. It's best that she has someone to talk to one on one."

"Okay. I'll call you tonight,Okay?" I nodded. He hugged me and walked back to Tory. I could already tell she didn't like me. Not one bit.

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