"Only I can call her Stacey!"

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About a month later, I walked to the bathroom after 5th period and walked in on three girls smoking. I minded my business and went to the bathroom then went to wash my hands when one of the girls came over to talk to me.

"It's Anastasia, right?" The girl asked. I recognized her. It was Tory, Sawyers ex girlfriend.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Oh I'm just here to tell you to back.off. Sawyers obviously still in love with me." She warned.

"Obviously not, because he's with me. Maybe you just can't accept that he doesn't want you anymore." I shrugged.

"Are you new here? He always comes back.Always has,always will."She laughed right in my face before putting out her cigarette and walking out. She was absolutely delusional. She was obviously just still stuck on her ex.

There I was 3 months later, sitting with my three friends at our lunch table. Sawyer and I were officially dating. I was so happy. My friends still didn't like Sawyer. They had a "bad feeling" whatever that meant.

"I just don't understand." Shawn complained.

"It's not for you to understand, Shawn. It's my relationship." I argued.

"I just don't get what you see in that guy." He rolled his eyes.

"Shawn, you have gone out with so many girls, why is my love life so confusing to you. He's a guy who likes me. I'm a girl who likes him. I don't go around judging you for dating a ton of girls." I stood up and stormed out.

I couldn't wrap my head around why he hated him so much. I walked down the hallway towards Sawyers study hall, because every Monday, and Thursday  I'd go to his study hall to hang out with him. It was a Friday so I wasn't supposed to go but I was so annoyed that I decided to go anyway.

I turned the corner and saw down at the end of the hallway a couple kissing. I rolled my eyes because it annoyed me how often this occurred. I proceeded as usual trying not to state but I could help it. I glanced at the couple right as they gasped for air. I got a quick peek at the guys face, and I couldn't believe what I saw. My boyfriend making out with his ex girlfriend. Before he could see me I ran off and called my mom to pick me up. I was devastated.

3rd person POV:
After a few minutes of thinking Shawn felt bad about what he said to Anastasia. She was right. He understood why she was upset. He shouldn't be concerned about her dating life. So, he went after her. He figured she went to Sawyers study hall so he went to go look for her there.

He walked down the hallway to go find her. He rounded the corner and continued walking straight. All of the sudden rage filled his body when he saw her boyfriend with another girl. The same girl from chubbies. He walked right over to confront him.

"Hey. Buddy! What do you think you're doing?" He was in disbelief.

Sawyer turned to him and rolled his eyes.

"Get lost." He said.

"No! Don't you get it? You have a girlfriend. Don't you understand how much this is gonna hurt her?" He yelled.

"Well, Stacey is never gonna know. So scram!" He demanded.

"Yeah, okay. Just one more thing before I go." Shawn said while turning to him.

"What?" He asked annoyed.

"Only I can call her Stacey!" Shawn yelled before punching Sawyer right in the face.

"Alright you little punk, you asked for it." They both started swinging on each other while yelling at eachother. The students started crowding around and egging the two boys on.

"You're dead, Larson!"

Anastasia's POV:

As I was walking down the hall, fighting back tears, I heard a bunch of commotion a few hallways over, and me being my nosy self, I went to go see what was going on.

As I walked closer I could only make out a few sentences from the surrounding crowd. Then a shout from inside the crowd.

"You're dead, Larson!" I heard. I knew that the person fighting was Sawyer. I pushed through the crowd and to the front to see what was happening. I made my way to the front to see Shawn fighting Sawyer, and winning may I add.

Right as I was about to yell at them both, Mr.Turner and Mr.Feeny pulled them apart. As the two boys got pulled away from the crowd, Shawn looked at me before looking away. Why was he fighting Sawyer? Did he see what I thought he did? I was so confused. My head was spinning and my mind was over flowing.

3rd person POV:

Shawn and Sawyer were walked to the office to talk to Mr.Feeny. Sawyer went in first and Shawn sat patiently.

Sawyer walked out, glared at Shawn then walked down the hallway.

"Mr.Hunter." Mr.Feeny said, implying it was Shawn's turn to be talked to. Shawn walked into the office and sat down.

"Look, Mr.Feeny. I didn't do anything." Shawn crossed his arms.

"You punched another student, Mr.Hunter." He added. "Not to mention it was the boy your best friend is dating."

"I did it for a reason. He doesn't deserve her." Shawn argued.

"Just because you do believe that, it is no reason to hurt another student."

"Mr. Feeny, he's hurting Stacey. He was kissing his ex girlfriend." He retorted.

"Oh, I see."

"Yeah, she's my best friend, I couldn't stand that guy from the beginning." He explained.

"Shawn, is it possible that you have feelings for Miss. Barlowe?" He asked.

"No way. That's my best friend. We've known eachother since we were five. I think I'd know if I liked her."

"You'd be surprised, Mr.Hunter. I'm going to let you off with a warning about fighting, But I'd like you to evaluate your feelings about Miss. Barlowe." He dismissed Shawn and he walked out of the office.

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