Chapter Sixty

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"I wanna lean on your shoulder. I wish I was in love but I don't wanna cause any pain and if I'm feeling like I'm evil, we've got nothing to gain..."

Song: Waiting Game

Artist: Banks


Arriving at work i ignore Caroline's greeting and head straight to the elevator. I hardly got any sleep last night and am not in a mood today. I tried calling her, texting her, i even emailed her. And nothing. I got a hold of Chris but he said he wasn't going to force her into speaking with me if she didn't want to. I gave up after about four hours of bugging her. I'm rushing my way down the corridor when the elevator stops on my floor. Arriving at my door i lace my hand on the screen and the doors slide open. Walking in i was about to speak but don't when i find her desk empty.

She couldn't leave. I walk over to her desk and let out a sigh of relief when i see her phone by the computer and purse on the ground. The doors open and i turn around to see her coming in with two coffees. "You're early." She says simply.

"Selena i w-"

"Here's your coffee." She interrupts and places it on my desk and walks pass me and sits down at hers.

"Look i-"

"I already scheduled you meetings today so you're all set. You have one at twelve, another at one thirty, then two forty five, then three and then six and you're all good." She interrupts again.

"All those today?" I ask.

"Yup, needed to keep you busy so you don't try and talk to me." She says as she types away on the keyboard.

Letting out a frustrated sigh i slam the laptop shut causing her to quickly move her hands back. "Can you fucking listen to me?" She crosses her arms and scoffs. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell." I apologize with a frown.

"Okay." She says simply.

"So you're just going to ignore me?"

"Basically." She answers.

"I'm sorry. Okay!" I snap. "I know i fucked up! And i know i don't deserve your forgiveness so i won't ask for it, but bloody hell Sel i need you to just talk to me! I'm going mad! Losing my mind without you! I love you and i don't know how when we were only seeing each other for a month, but i do! You're like this piece i was missing and fill a void inside and make me feel whole. The girl yesterday was an employee.. i called her in because she hasn't been doing shit around here and one thing led to another and i thought maybe if i fucked her it would rid you from my thoughts. You say you used to find me intimidating when i'm intimidated by you! I would do fucking anything for you and that makes me feel so vulnerable and weak but i can't help it. And i'm sorry baby, i really am. I know you're pissed as you should be, but please don't give up entirely on me just yet. Actions speak louder than words so i will prove to you how much you mean to me." I rant and am out of breathe by the time i finish due to how fast i spoke.

"Okay." She says.

"That's it?" I frown.

"Well actions speak louder than words as you said. So i'll consider you again after you actually prove you care. But fucking your other employees is a big reason i'm keeping my guard up on you." She shrugs.

"Um.. okay are you busy Friday?" I ask.

"Yes." She answers.

What? "Oh.. um, what do you have planned." I ask.

"I'm going out with Andrew." She answers simply.

"What? Why!" I ask in annoyance.

"Because I can." She answers.


"No Harry. You're not stopping this." She interrupts.

As i was about to speak there's a knock on the doors. I walk over to my desk and press the button causing the doors to slide open. Selena scoffs and i furrow my eyebrows and look over at the door. My body tensing. This is not what i fucking needed right now.

"Yes Irina?" I ask in a sigh.

"Let's go." She says.

"Go? Go where?" I ask .

"Court." She says and my jaw clenches.

"Court for what Irina?" I snap.

"I want custody of Millie." She answers and my eyes widen.

"What if I never even see you cause we're both on a stage. Don't tell me listen to your song because it isn't the same. I don't wanna say your love is a waiting game..."

Short chapter and i don't blame you if you hate me for it but i updated yesterday so it's a filler. Vote&comment ((::

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