Chapter Sixty Two

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"I know I'm acting a bit crazy strung out, a little bit hazy hand over heart, I'm praying that I'm gonna make it out alive..."

Song: The Heart Wants What It Wants

Artist: Selena Gomez (like you didn't know)


I let out a nervous breath i wasn't aware i was holding and unlock the door and opening it. Harry stands there with his hands in his pockets. He looks up at me and gives me the smallest of a smile. I return a half smile and scoot to the side so he can come in. He walks pass me and i close the door and lock it. I take in a deep breath and let it out, suddenly feeling extremely nervous and anxious.

"Are you thirsty.. or hungry.. or anything?" I ask quietly.

"No i'm fine thanks." He answers.

As i was about to say something Chris emerges from the hallway and plops down on the couches and turns on the television. "I thought you went to bed?" I ask narrowing my eyes.

"I was going to but since you woke me up from the couch i couldn't fall back asleep." He shrugs.

"Hello Christopher." Harry greets.

"Fuck boy." Chris says with a nod.

"Oh my god, okay um, we'll be in my room." I say and Chris snickers.

Harry follows me to my room and you can basically cut through the tension with a knife. I go to sit on my bed and he takes a seat on my vanity chair. "I'm here so.. talk." He says.

"I just.. i miss you i guess. I don't know. I felt bad for blowing up on you the way i did when i walked in on you i'm sorry." I frown.

"You're apologizing for getting mad over what you walked in on? Are you kidding me?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"Well, no? I mean i yelled and snapped at you i had no right to-"

"You had every damn right to yell at me. I pushed you away Selena. I ignored you so i wouldn't have to deal with you. Deal with the guild i had for ending us because i was too much of a coward to own up to the way i feel about you. You walked in on me with an employee for fucks sake and you're apologizing? I should be the one to say i'm sorry. Sorry for what you saw. Sorry for dissing you at my sister's party. Sorry for ignoring you. Sorry for pushing you away. Sorry confusing you all the time. Sorry that i can't be what you want." He says.

"What do you mean you can't be what i want? You are what i want. Don't you get that? Harry any girl would drop the guy if she walked in what i did. But i can't. You make me happy.. yeah you can be confusing but you're not perfect nor am I. And relationships aren't supposed to be perfect and easy. They're dumb, and difficult and stressful but all that just pulls the two together." I sigh.

"I saw you with Andrew today." He says.

"Yeah i know.." I nod.

"I saw how happy you looked. We've only known each other for about two months and dated for just a little over one month but i've never seen you smile the way you did that way with me. And we've spent a lot of time together. That was your what?, Second time hanging out with Andrew.. and you had this look in your eyes and your smile was so.. real. I can tell that you get along with him well and it was obviously easier getting along with him than me. I don't want to hurt you.. more, if i already have." He says as he runs his hand through his hair.

"What part of you make me happy do you not understand?" I ask.

"I understand it perfectly Selena." He snaps. "But i don't deserve you. I'm just going to ruin you, and you'll end up hating me. You say i make you happy but it sure as hell doesn't look like it. And if i do, than you deserve to be happier than you are. Don't settle for less than you deserve because, once you start to settle, you always will." He sighs.

"You don't get to choose who you fall for. I wasn't expecting from you, but then we started seeing each other more and more and it happened. You're all wrong but all right for me all at the same time and you piss me off as i do you which makes everything so complicated sometimes it's hard to explain but would would a relationship be without all that?" I frown.

"Easy." He answers.

"And that's boring. There's no challenge so what's the point?"

"The point is you wouldn't get headaches because of me. I wouldn't stress you out or make you mad or make you cry. You'd smile all the time and not worry about me messing it all up and breaking you in the end." He answers.

"You're main focus is all the negative. Why? Why can't you just accept that i'm happy with you. You're what i want." I frown.

"Sometimes you have to forget what you want and remember what you deserve Selena." He says lowly.

"You're scared." I mumble.

"What?" He asks looking up at me.

"You were scared. You're still scared. Scared that someone is going to realize that you're flawless smile and bright eyes have nothing in common with the broken parts that make up who you are. You were abandoned, a few too many times by those who were meant to hold you close. You're scared of dealing with love again. I can tell you're closed off and are hard to talk to and don't open up easily and you have this guard up all the time, but i'm still here. I still care about you the same. I haven't been with someone in a long time, my last relationship was horrible and i stayed in it for almost a year dealing with the abuse, verbal and physical abuse. It took a lot in myself for me to get up and go back out there. But i'm not going to dwell on the past and compare him to you. I gave you a chance, and i was happy. So... you need to give me a chance to prove to you i'm not whoever it was that hurt you. Because i care about you way too much to just let you go because you think you don't deserve me. I'm gonna care and you're gonna have to deal with it because, i can't unfeel this way. No matter what i try.

"The bed's getting cold and you're not here. The future that we hold is so unclear. But I'm not alive until you call and I'll bet the odds against it all. Save your advice 'cause I won't hear, you might be right but I don't care. There's a million reasons why I should give you up.. but the heart wants what it wants..."

i like dis song hehehe

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