going bare

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"We've gotta leave soon, baby. Are y'almost ready?"

(Y/N) flicked her gaze from the adjustments she was making to her hair to where Harry was lent against the threshold of the hotel bathroom, brows raised in question. He was already dressed and ready to go as far as she could tell; the black satin of his shirt glinted in the vanity light, barely buttoned to the mid of his torso to allow the majority of his tattoos to be on display (she had asked him if it was really appropriate to show up to a wedding basically shirtless, and he had only shrugged saying that no one would be looking at him anyway as soon as the ceremony started). A pair of black fitted trousers covered his legs, stretching around his thighs and making his legs seem all that much longer, matching the black coat he had over his shoulders. The only pops of color came in the form of the baby pink nail polish on his fingers and the suede boots in a matching pastel shade, coordinating with the dress that covered (Y/N)'s own figure. Rings glinted on his fingers with glimmering jewels and brassy bands as he ran them through his hair, the length curling towards his collarbones.

If not for the nerves bubbling in her tummy, she was almost sure she could have melted at the sight of him alone. But, there was only so much space in her head for him to occupy when she was busy trying to steady her shaky hands.

"Mhm," she squeaked, wiring a smile onto her face as she plucked at her hair. If this one baby hair would just lay down

"Y'alright, lovebug?" Harry asked, stepping into the bathroom with the click of his shoes echoing over the tile.

It was a familiar question she'd heard wrapped up in his voice over a hundred times at this point.  The sound was enough to make the smile on her lips turn genuine. He knew her, sometimes a little too well.

"I'm okay, yeah," she said, finding some minuscule error in her makeup to distract herself.

Even without the sound of his boots approaching behind her, (Y/N) wouldn't have been able to ignore the static of his presence. Casting her gaze from the makeup bag on the counter, (Y/N) found him peering over her shoulder with his lips pursed and brows furrowed before Harry slipped an arm around her waist.

"Jus' okay?" he hummed, watching as she plucked up a spare brush and swept it over her eyelids, "Are y'nervous?"

A humorless smile stretched over (Y/N)'s lips. She was sure it wasn't a huge surprise for him to have sussed out that she wasn't feeling the most secure, but it still made her feel more embarrassed than anything.

"Maybe," she settled on, her voice quiet just between the two of them.

His arm around her waist tightened, fingers denting her skin through the fabric of her dress. She could already imagine the tint of concern that was no doubt taking over his irises as he spoke, "What's making y'nervous, hm?"

The noncommittal answer of "Everything," slipped from between her lips as she resumed her fussing of her hair.

"Baby," he cooed to her, pressing a kiss to her temple, the sliver of his lip ring pinging against her skin, "I thought y'liked weddings."

The mention of the day's plans didn't help much to settle (Y/N), her attention drifting to the strap of her dress—another thing to fuss with.

It wasn't that (Y/N) wasn't excited to go to the wedding—she loved weddings actually! She'd only been to a few growing up, but as soon as she realized what they were all about, her hopelessly romantic heart was gone for them—, she was just nervous. (Surprise, surprise!). Meeting Harry's extended family was going to be a big step, and she didn't want to intrude on such a joyous occasion for his family. As far as she knew, Harry hadn't seen this particular stretch of family in a couple of years, but had been eager to RSVP as soon as he received the invitation in the mail. She didn't want to take away from that moment by clinging to him all night.

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