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(Y/N) is tired.

Today had been her first full day back at work after a long weekend, and she didn't realize how important it was to keep her sleep schedule regulated until she had to get up at five-thirty in the morning after staying up with Harry until two the previous night. He had even tried to bargain with her to go to sleep at ten, but (Y/N) insisted on staying up with him while he sketched out ideas for an appointment he had later the next day. Now, here she was, slothing on her feet into Harry's house using the key he gave her for her birthday.

Harry wasn't home yet, and she knew Mitch was at her apartment with Sarah, leaving herself alone with only Evie following her around. All she wanted to do was take a long, hot shower, and hopefully nap before Harry came home. Which is what she planned on doing right up until she heard the sound of the garage door opening, and Harry's music playing loudly through the car speakers. Evie had skittered over to the door, excited to see her dad and to have another opportunity to try and trip someone again.

"Darling, 'm home!" Harry called as soon as he passed over the threshold, reaching down and picking his Evie up before she could get tangled up in his feet. He had his hair pulled back with a pastel purple scrunchie he had stolen from her that morning, with his signature eyeliner blackened around his eyes and a black hoodie on with white hearts trailing up the sleeves. Only the tattoos on his neck and hands were visible as (Y/N) watched on as he loved on his kitten.

After cooing to the cat in his arms for a moment longer, he looked up to find (Y/N) stood just outside the kitchen with her hands tangled in front of her and her eyes sleepily blinking at him. "Hi, baby," he greeted, his voice soft as he put Evie down in favor of moving towards his girl.

Once close enough, he gathered (Y/N) in his arms, a content sigh falling from his lips as he laid his cheek to rest atop her head. She melted in his hold, finally feeling her muscles relax after the day she had. Harry could make her sleepy in the best way, with his safe warmth that he carried only for her.

"Hi," she reciprocated in a sigh, her own arms tight around his middle as he held her in the kitchen.

"Did y'have an alright day?" he asked, his breath warm as he talked into her hair. She knew what he was really asking. He wanted to know if he had been right about trying to get her to go to bed early, and if she had learned her lesson to listen to him next time.

"Mhm," she hummed, not wanting to admit that she had been dead on her feet all day and contemplated sleeping in her car for her lunch break. "Missed you, though."

"Yeah?" he laughed, "I miss y'always, m'love."

They stayed silent as they held each other for a few more minutes, Harry constantly running his hands along her sides or in large circles on her back, anything to prolong the moment and remind himself that he was home and with his angel again. (Y/N) swore she could have fallen asleep while standing up with the way he was holding her. All she needed was her goodnight kiss and she would be out like a light.

Harry gently pulled back from her, just far enough to see her face. (Y/N) looked up at him with sleep in her eyes and pout on her lips at the loss of contact. Harry cracked her favorite lopsided smile, leaning down and nudging his nose against her's, the hoop in his nose cool against her skin.

"Mitch and Sarah wanted to get dinner tonight with all of us," Harry said simply, his hands coming to rest on the small of her back. "Was hoping we could meet up with them at Little House in about an hour, if that's alright?"

All (Y/N) wanted was go to sleep cuddled into Harry's side with his fingers in her hair, but looking at him now with the hopeful smile on his face and his adoring eyes that traced over her features, she couldn't deny him of anything. She didn't want to be a buzzkill and end his night before it even started, and she knew that he had been missing his best friend since it seemed Mitch and (Y/N) had basically switched residences recently. And, she did miss Sarah...

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