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Here. xx

(Y/N) quickly smoothed down the satin fabric of her dress, the strapless angel wings sitting high on her back. Tonight was Niall's Halloween party and Harry had been so encouraging about her getting all dressed up and coming with him since he received the invite. It was (Y/N)'s own idea to dress up as an angel, wanting her favorite petname that Harry had donned her to come to life. She decided on this silky, white slip dress, the back low with the hem fluttering against her mid thigh, and a pair of angel wings she had found that didn't require straps to ruin the illusion. She finished the rest of the look off by tying silvery pieces of tinsel through her hair in lieu of a halo.  She kept her makeup light and dewy, feeling confident enough to even break out some iridescent glitter to pat onto her eyelids and sprinkle along her shoulders and chest. She felt pretty, and she hoped Harry thought she was too.

She tucked her phone into the small white bag she was bringing for the night, her hands trembling just the smallest bit as the night's plans began to sink in. Getting ready had been a fun distraction, taking her mind off the fact she was about to attend her second party ever, that was sure to be full of people she didn't know. The only thing that helped calm her was the knowledge that Harry was going to be with her the whole time. They would arrive together, hopefully stay together, and eventually leave together where she would spend the night at his house. There was no reason to be anxious, but that didn't stop the pit in her stomach from forming.

(Y/N) left her apartment in a rush, locking up behind her since Sarah had left earlier in the night. She felt bad to have left Harry waiting for her for so long, practically running through the lobby of her apartment before stumbling through the doors. She found Harry leaning against the passenger side of his black Range Rover, dressed in his "devil" costume. He hadn't noticed her just yet, buried in his phone as he seemed to be typing away at something. (Y/N) took that moment to see what exactly he had put together for his costume, having told her he wasn't planning on dressing up unless she wanted him to (which, she did).

A deep red, satin shirt was stretched taut along his shoulders, black piping outlining the seams. In the same black thread was an outline of a broken heart, right over where his actual heart was. He wore a pair of fitted black trousers, this time with red stitching along the sides to match his top. She could just make out the glittery red he had painted on his nails, the cuticles a bit messy as it seemed he had done them in a rush. The only thing that gave away the subject of his costume was the red headband with devil horns planted on either side, he had gripped in his hand.

He looked so good. She hoped he would be proud to be matching with her for the night.

"Harry?" she called, nervously tugging on the hem of her dress as she drew closer.

His head snapped up from his phone, quickly sliding the device back into his pocket to give her his whole attention. When he caught sight of her, taking in her whole look, he gazed at her with his brows raised and mouth set in a small gape. His arms hung limply by his side, his headband brushing his leg. She felt vulnerable under his gaze, his eyes flicking to each detail of her outfit as if he were counting each fleck of glitter covering her skin and every piece of tinsel in her hair.

She stopped just a few paces in front of him, the sidewalk under her catching on the small heel of the white boots she was wearing. She messed with the white glitter painted on her nails, shooting Harry a shy smile as he still hadn't said anything to her.

"Are you okay?" she asked, already assuming the worst and that he was just figuring out how to politely tell her to change before they left.

"Baby," he breathed, his gaze falling to her feet before dragging up the full of her form and landing on her face, "Look at you."

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