meeting her parents

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       Do you want to come over tonight? I'll make dinner!!💛

(Y/N) shot the text to Harry, a smile on her face. Summer was in full swing, and more often than not she was stuck to Harry's side. He'd even convinced her to take a job at this little clothing boutique a few shops down from Harry's parlor. They went to lunch together, would wait for the other to get off if they had differing shifts, and stayed at one another's house every weekend. It felt so grown up to her, like all of those romantic movies and novels where the lead couple can't get enough of one another. It still had the air of first love, like a prolonged honeymoon phase, but it still was mature and stable. She loved Harry. So much.

       Of course.

        I miss you so much. I can't wait to see you. xx

She can't wait to see him either.


(Y/N) had decided to make lasagna for dinner as Harry hasn't stopped talking about it since he watched some cooking show. She had just popped it in the oven when a knock sounded on the door. She knew it was Harry before she even got to there.

Swinging the door open, Harry stood in the hallway toeing at his white leather boots. He looked cozy with his black jeans and long sleeved black sweater (she thinks she even sees the word 'loved' stitched in the hem with red thread). She didn't wait for him to say even a single word before pulling him into the apartment and wrapping him in a hug. Her arms tangled around his neck, pulling him down to her. She could vaguely see him reach around behind him and shut the door before he reciprocated and held her waist. Her body was flush against his, his face squished in between her shoulder and neck. His arms flexed, pulling her closer to him.

"Hi, baby," Harry sighed into the skin of her neck. She could feel his lips pucker, planting a kiss on the warmed area of her neck. "I missed you. Can I have a kissy?"

(Y/N) was quick to pull back and kiss at Harry's cheek, lingering for a moment. A dimple pressed into the same spot she planted her lips as he smiled her favorite half smile. "Nu-uh, angel. I want a real one."

She sighed an Okay and leaned back in again, her head tipped up for him. His lips were warm against her's, softening and relaxing her muscles. She always got lost when he kissed her; she couldn't tell you anything about the things around her, but Harry? She could tell you every detail about him in a heartbeat. It still felt like the first time he kissed her, the novelty still having not worn off.

Harry pulled back first, planting little kisses against her lips before allowing her space. "What's for dinner?"

"I've got lasagna in the oven right now." She smiled up at him, excited to see his reaction.

"Oh really?" An eyebrow quirked up, his dimples coming out. She nodded her head excitedly at him, feeling her ponytail bounce. "That sounds really good, baby. Thank you."

(Y/N), pleased with his reaction, leads him to the couch behind her. She sat back on her heels with her knees folded under her on the cushion. Harry sat next to her, gazing at her with a lazy, lovestruck look on his face.

"We have another half hour before dinner's ready, so what do you wanna do?" (Y/N) innocently asked, tightening her hair in her ponytail. Harry watched as is fingers trailed along the outside of her thigh, starting over her shorts and onto her skin.

He peeked up at her, a single curl falling in front of his eyes. Her favorite lopsided smile on his face pressed a dimple into his cheek. "Is Sarah home?"

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