harry shows her another first

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(Y/N) was bored.

Harry had taken her by the shop on their way home from dinner, telling her he had forgotten to set up for the other boys tomorrow since it was his day off. (Y/N) understood, knowing that Harry took the business seriously (almost too serious at times, she thought) and if he didn't stop by and fix whatever it is he needed that he wouldn't rest for the remainder of the night. But that had been almost a half hour ago and all (Y/N) wanted to do was take off her makeup and go to sleep. Instead, she was sat in the waiting area of the parlor, flipping through the design books she had scanned over more than a hundred times.

She slid the book back into place, checking her phone to find nothing new or of interest to look at before huffing in frustration. She couldn't even go bother Harry, knowing he would be much too distracted by printing out forms and work tickets for the following day to entertain her. She began browsing through the magazines fanned out across a small glass table. The parlor had a mix of male and female centric magazines, but they were rarely switched out for newer issues. The one the stood out to (Y/N) the most was a brightly colored issue of Cosmopolitan. The headlines were written in the iconic pink font, detailing upcoming spring trends, celebrity news, and tips for the "best sex of your life!"

(Y/N) began flipping through the glossy pages, trying to find anything worth her time. She read through the season's "hottest hair trends" and a section dedicated to what Kim Kardashian's body language said about her relationship with Kanye (a particularly thrilling article, (Y/N) thought as she skipped over it). It wasn't until an article titled "20 Things Your Boyfriend Wants You To Do" caught her attention (what can she say? She's a sucker for that kind of thing).

It was a collection of stories from ten different women, recounting moments with their significant other where they were praised for different actions. Some of them were for domestic things, like doing laundry a certain way, or cooking a particular meal. Others were more sentimental moments between a couple. But more than a handful were dedicated to different sex acts these women performed on their boyfriends. (Y/N) felt shy as she read those bits, but they were also the stories she paid the most attention to. Growing up, she was never exposed to much that had to do with sex; her mother never bought magazines like these, her parents never really spoke to her about what it meant to have sex, and they constantly monitored her media intake to ensure she wasn't "influenced". Things like these, different television shows and articles, were the only things she's been exposed to, that so casually spoke of sex since she left her parents' house.

One of the stories recounted a woman's experience of giving her boyfriend a blowjob. One that was apparently so good, that he couldn't stop himself from bucking into her throat and finishing in her mouth with little warning. (Y/N) read on with wide eyes, surprised at how intently she read over the details. She realized then that she had never done anything like that for Harry. He had always been the one to go down on her, never the other way around. She hadn't even given him a handjob! She felt childish compared to the intimate stories these women shared.

Did Harry not want that with her? Did he not think he would like it coming from her?

While it wasn't something she liked to dwell on, she knew that Harry was much, much more experienced than her. She didn't even want to know how many times he had been sucked off, but she knew it had to be a lot. She always heard it was something guys liked, and wanted probably more than sex at times. It was hard for her to think that maybe Harry didn't bother ever bringing it up to her because he didn't want that from her. She's tried so hard to be everything for him in every sense of the word—relationship-wise, sex-wise, anything—and she felt embarrassed of the idea that he didn't want her like that.

(Y/N) also couldn't lie and say she didn't want to give that to him.

She's never performed that act on anyone (big surprise), but she wanted to for Harry. She liked the idea of making him feel the same way she did when he went down on her. She also thought it would be kind of hot, if she's being honest. The idea of having his length in her mouth did things to her.

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