its her birthday and harry has a special present

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It's (Y/N)'s birthday, and Harry couldn't be more excited.

She thought it was really endearing actually; he seemed more excited about her birthday than her. In the weeks leading up, Harry had been the one to ask teasing questions of who's birthday is coming up? I can't quite recall and giving her countdowns as the date approached.

He had woken her early in the morning as he had cleared his books to make sure they could spend the whole day together. He took her to breakfast, being much more publicly affectionate than usual. (He even did that annoyingly sweet thing where he fed her bits of his pancakes and kissed off any traces of syrup or whipped cream). Each time she had asked what was planned for the day, he just shot back at her that it was her day, so anything she wanted, they would do.

As per (Y/N)'s request, after breakfast, they started heading home. Harry had asked her before driving in the direction of his house if she was sure, if there wasn't anything else she wanted to do, like shop or visit the aquarium she had been so excited about since the opening. She had declined each suggestion, feeling bad that he was willing to spend more money atop of the gifts he had already told her he had waiting for her at home. (Especially since she wasn't even aware of his birthday back in February, before they started seeing each other, so she didn't do anything special for him. He's told her time and time again that it was okay, they hadn't even really started dating until a month or so later, so she had no obligation to do anything for him. But she felt bad especially knowing that at that time he was harboring a crush on her). Instead they spent most of the day cuddling on his couch. Mitch popped in for a moment and wished (Y/N) a happy birthday before shooting Harry a look and heading off to work. As he walked out the door he let them know that he'd be staying the night with Sarah and a call for them to be careful tonight!. Harry rolled his eyes and laughed at Mitch's words as (Y/N) felt herself flush from her cheeks and down her neck. Harry had cooed to her to not listen and resumed their movie.

That was the extent of their day. Definitely not an exciting birthday but one (Y/N) very much appreciated. Growing up, her birthday had been an excuse for her parents to throw a party to show her off. It was never something to celebrate her, as all the attention was given to her parents and how well they had raised their little girl. She never wanted anything like that; she just wanted to have a quiet night where she wasn't expected to act a certain way.

Harry always gave her everything she wanted.


(Y/N) had fallen asleep halfway through their second movie (as per tradition it seems). It was a short nap as Harry gently woke her up some time later with his usual cooing of words and gentle kissing on her face.

"C'mon, m'darling. Time for dinner, yeah? And I've still not given you your presents," Harry coaxed, fingers gently running along her cheekbone. She pouted as she began waking up, stretching her arms above her head with a squeak. "'M not done celebrating yet, birthday girl. Time to wake up."

(Y/N) fully began waking up, blinking her eyes open to see him above her. His eyeliner was still an intense black from this morning's application, and the bun in his hair falling loose with tendrils framing his face. A soft lopsided smile graced his features and rolled his lip ring, a dimple decorating the full of his cheek. He was so beautiful. "Kissy?" she mumbled, puckering her lips.

Harry breathed a laugh at her before leaning down and pressing a sweet kiss on her lips. "Y'can have all the kissies y'want, m'love. Don't even have to ask."

(Y/N) smiles against his lips, tugging him down to deepen their innocent kissing. She's never had the opportunity to have birthday sex before. Harry groaned at her forwardness, his own hand cradling her cheek. Too soon, he pulled back from her kissing. She whined at the loss of contact, jutting her bottom lip out. Harry relented at her expression, planting one more kiss on the full of her lips before standing up from his seat on the edge of the couch. "Let's save that for after dinner, okay? I've got a few presents I want to give y'before that."

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