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"Wait right here for me, 'kay? I'll grab our bags and be right back."

Harry pressed a quick kiss to the top of (Y/N)'s head before disappearing into the airport rush, not even giving her a second to argue or ask if he wanted help. But, she couldn't lie and say she wasn't grateful for the reprieve and chance to sit down with space to breathe. The flight that landed them in Barcelona had been long with all the delays and extra hours spent awaiting an open terminal, and the fact the plane was packed to the brim with tourists taking advantage of the long weekend.

It felt like a breath of fresh air when she and Harry finally spilled out into the tunnel and entered the stuffy airport. At least she could stretch her legs and the only person touching her was Harry. So, even as much as she felt guilty watching him venture into the crowd to get to baggage claim, she didn't really want to leave the little bench he had deposited her at now that she had more than a couple feet of space.

Checking the time on her phone, (Y/N) sighed at the time change. She'd never traveled this far from home, and these differences were starting to nag at her. The worst of it all was that she didn't know exactly where everything was—the hotel, restaurants in town, any convenience stores, even where to park if they went to any attractions—and that for the duration of their trip, they would have to rely on Ubers and taxis to get them around. Though Harry took on the brunt of the planning and let her know about those little details and humored her line of 'what ifs'—what if she forgot shampoo? What if she forgot swimsuit bottoms? What if the restaurant they wanted to go to was closed? What if? What if? What if?—, she still felt pangs of anxiety when she remembered just how far from home she was.

A buzz from her phone made her jump in her spot, a notification from Sarah lighting up the screen. Swiping open the message, a photo of Evie with her eyes big and cheeks puffed greeted (Y/N), tugging a smile onto her lips.


Evie wants to know how the flight was! you didn't get sick right??

(Y/N) saved the photo, excited to show Harry when he made it back with their bags before typing out a reply. Sarah had been a wonderful listener when (Y/N) had ranted about her worries the day before, the plane ride being one of the biggest factors that made her stomach tight and head hurt. But, she'd done her part and talked (Y/N) down as best she could and promised to check in with her around the landing time and would be supplying an endless stream of Evie pictures as a distraction while she was tasked with cat sitting for the week.

After hitting send on her message, (Y/N) peered over her phone in search of Harry. He was easy to spot with the vast amount of ink tattooed onto his bared arms, eyes shaded by a pair of round, black sunglasses, curls of hair hanging loose to his shoulders. His lip ring glinted in the light, accentuating the hard line of his mouth as he made his way through the crowd, being less than accommodating when someone tried cut him off. The tense of his jaw only shifted as he chewed on his gum, having grabbed the stick during the flight to help with the way his ears popped at the altitude. If it wasn't for her big white and baby pink duffle bag slipped over his shoulder, even (Y/N) would have been intimidated.

And, of course, the smile that split his lips once he caught sight of her.

He didn't look so mean then. Not at all.

"Ready?" Harry asked once he was close enough, the pair of black suitcases he was pulling coming to a stop behind him.

"Mhm," (Y/N) hummed, stretching her legs as she stood from her spot, "We still need to call an Uber though, right?"

Harry shook his head, hiking her bag up his shoulder though she was more than capable of taking it from him now. "Ordered one while I was waiting for your bag to come around."

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