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"Y'sure you're alright, angel? There's not anything else I can do to help?"

(Y/N) smiled at the sound of Harry's doting. He'd been fussing over her for hours at this point, ever since she told him she was beginning to feel sick with achey limbs and a headache brewing behind her eyes. He hated when she was ill more than she did, that much she could tell from the sympathetic twist of his features that followed her everywhere she went.

"I promise I'm okay, H. Really. I think I just need to sleep it off, but thank you for asking."

While she sunk into the fluff of bedding Harry had cocooned around her, his features stayed stuck in that creased and stern state as he took in her expression. "I don't want y'to get sick again, love," he murmured, his hand underneath the covers settling on her hip as he hovered over her.

While she fell in love with the way he fussed over her so intently, she couldn't help the amused smile that touched at her lips. The sinus infection she'd just barely gotten over was enough to have him taking a couple of days off taking appointments at the shop and staying up at all hours of the night while she had coughing fits and couldn't breathe well enough to peacefully sleep. She wasn't sure he'd be able to survive another cold from her.

"I'm going to be okay, Harry," she soothed him with a soft tone, pulling her hand out from the warm confines of the comforter he tucked her into to place her palm on his cheek, "I promise I'll be okay by the morning. I just need to sleep."

Leaning into her hand, Harry turned his face to press his lips to her palm. The tip of his nose skimmed the pads of her fingers, eyes fluttering to a close with the fan of his lashes touching at the tops of his cheekbones. "Please wake me if y'need me," Harry requested, voice muffled against her skin.

"I promise," she cooed, sleep creeping in as her eyes shuttered in a slow blink, "Will you please lay down with me now?"

As if he could ever tell her no.

He made quick work of settling onto the plush mattress beside her, sheets slipping around his shirtless body as he shuffled her into his arms. Curling around her, Harry cushioned her head onto his chest, just over a blooming rose tattooed on the skin. (Y/N)'s bare legs tangled with his own, fitting his thigh between hers as she soaked in his warmth. Though a hollow ache stunted the muscles over her stomach, his hold was enough to keep her from focusing on the sluggishness touching her limbs.

"I've got you, angel," he crooned to her, pressing his lips to the top of her head, "Love you."

"I love you, too," she murmured, her cheek smushing into his bare chest as a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

It didn't take long for (Y/N) to fall into her dreams, finding Harry there waiting for her.


Waking with a start, (Y/N) couldn't determine if it was her tears or a cold sweat soaking her cheeks. Her breathing came in panicked puffs as she came back down to earth from the rocky dream that was rapidly escaping her memory, trying to make sense of how the pain she dreamt could feel so real.

Darting her gaze around her surroundings, she took in Harry's bedroom around her, the man himself a steady anchor under her cheek with the cage of his arms keeping her warm against him. Her thighs ached from how tightly she must have been clenching around him, the discomfort stretching well up into her abdomen with even her limbs growing sore. She was surprised she hadn't woken him with apparently how hard she had been seeking comfort in him through her dreamy haze.

Fluttering her eyes closed, (Y/N) urged her brain to fill with lovely, flowery thoughts to hopefully ward off another round of the nightmare she'd just barely escaped from. Her breathing returned to normal the more she relaxed, recalling one of the sweet dates Harry had taken her on in the last week to keep her thoughts tranquil.

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