9: Board of Director's Meeting.

501 17 2

I reluctantly opened my eyes, stretching. This had to be the best sleep I've had in three months.

I take a look at the screen of my phone and sigh. Dad ought to be back by now.

I slip on a pair of fuzzy slippers and head to the lab. I'm surprised to see dad all alone with what I think is a metal boot in front of him.

"Soo, I'm guessing the meeting with Rhodey didn't go well?" I said announcing my presence.

"Yeah, he said something along the lines of me getting my head together." Dad said, not turning from the boot.

"Yeah, I expected that. He seemed really upset yesterday." I replied. "So, we're making boots now?" I ask settling beside him taking a closer look as Dum-E worked on it.

"This is just a part of it. I'm remodeling the mark one suit." Dad said as he joined two wires together, not noticing the confusion on my face.

"What is a mark one?" I ask. I feel like this has something to do with his escape.

"JARVIS." He called out as a hologram of a metal armor comes up.

"So, you escaped in this?" I asked as I studied the bulky suit.
He simply hummed.

"So it's like a metal armor. We're making armors?" I asked, completely confused.

"This is a private development. It's between both of us. I don't think I can trust anyone right now except for you and maybe Pepper but that's it. I need you to trust me on this one." He explained finally turning to me. "Your support is all I need."

"You know you have my support. But isn't it dangerous? I just got you back, I can't lose you again."I say as tears filled my eyes.

"I'm going to be just fine. I mean, what's the worst thing that could happen?"


Dad wears the boots for a test flight. One of the bots is filming, while Dum-E is in charge of the fire extinguisher.

"Okay, let's do this right. Start mark, half a meter, and back and center. Dum-E, look alive. You're on standby for fire safety. You, roll it. Okay. Activate hand controls. We're gonna start off nice and easy." Dad says.

"Yeah, start from one percent." I advise but he just scoffs in my direction.

"I'm trying to fly, smalls. Not jump and hover in the air. We're gonna see if 10% thrust capacity achieves lift. And three, two, one."

Dad is flung back into the upper wall. Dum-E uses the fire extinguisher on him and I burst out laughing.

"Told you so." I said in between my laughter before going to help him up.

"Okay so we know the boots are working, let's work on the flight stabilizers for the arm." Dad says as I help him up.



Pepper walks in as I was helping dad screw up the arm part, managing to hold a wrapped box and two mugs of what I'm guessing to be coffee and hot cocoa.

"I've been buzzing you. Did you hear the intercom?" Pepper asks but dad is too focused that he couldn't form a correct sentence.

"Yeah, everything's…what?"

"Obadiah's upstairs."


"What would you like me to tell him?" Pepper asks, handing me the cup containing the hot cocoa after dropping the box on a table.

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