36: Sapphire.

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I walked over the 'Loki' sized dent in our floor, towards Loki, who crawls up the stairs, looking like a battered rag doll. I guess Hulk really did a number on him.

He takes a few breaths before sensing us behind him. He turns around slowly, taking us in.

"If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now." He says looking up at me.

The Hulk snorts at him and I smirk. He's my favorite avenger.

"Should have taken it when we asked." I responded.


"Sooo, Sapphire?" Dad asks turning his head in my direction for a brief second before turning back to the road.

"What? I didn't choose it, the people did. I like it, it has a nice ring to it." I replied.

"Yeah, you can't exactly change it. Pep is in love with it, you'll break her heart if you do." Dad says as we park the car.
"Yeah I know." I replied as I get down from the car.

Dad picks up the case containing the Tessaract. We walk toward the park, I spot agent Bart- Clint and Nat walking towards us, so did Bruce, Steve, Thor and Loki, who's handcuffed and muzzled.

Thor shakes hands with all of us and gives Dr. Selvig a hug. Dad opens the Tesseract's case.

I kneel beside the case as Bruce takes it out and places it inside a glass tube, held by Thor. Thor gives Loki the other end, who reluctantly takes it.

I stand up and send out a small wave to the both of them, mostly Loki. His eyes crinkles and I know he's either smiling or smirking, in the little time I've known him I know it's the latter.

"See you again, darling."

I hear in my head and I almost jump. An energy beam takes the two Asgardians up before I could even react.

I notice Nat's lingering stare on me, before she leans towards Clint, whispering in his ear and they both smile. I rolled my eyes walking away from them.

I hug dad again before picking up my phone from the seat, making way for Bruce to climb into the car.

I walk towards Steve, smiling.
"So, are you ready for a ride?" He asks as I move closer.

I let it slip yesterday when Nat was around that I've never been on a motorcycle, she asked Steve to take me on a ride around town and that woman knows how to get what she wants.

"That's if I don't fall off during the ride." I muttered, but he caught it. Stupid super hearing.

I climb in after him, he raises the engine and I hang on tighter. He laughs before we zoom off into the city, cool wind in my hair.

A/N: And that's it for the part IV- The Avengers arc.

Thank you so much for the reads and votes. I hope you hang in there for the rest of the ride with Lisa.

Next update: Friday.


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