13: Rebirth

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"Miss Stark? This is agent Coulson, can you hear me?"

My head feels heavy. On a second note, it feels light, way too light. Like the time I experimented with a scissors and cut my hair off.

"Miss Stark, I need you to open your eyes."

I've heard this voice before. It seems familiar. I'm sure it's not Rhodey or Dad. Dad?

Dad's arc reactor. I need to get it. Pepper, I have to warn Pepper.

I snapped my eyes open to see three men dressed in black suit, standing around me. I only recognised one of them.

"Agent Coulson?" I croaked out. I have to get to Pepper. I move to stand up but he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"You might want to stay down for a few more seconds." He advised.

"B- but Pepper-" I tried to tell them.

"She's fine." He assured.

"Dad, Obadiah, he- he-"

"Your dad is fine and Mr Stane is being taken care of." And I relax before taking in my surroundings.

There's a lot of chains and wires around. Spark flying through some of them, it seemed like something big just ran through this place, crushing everything in its path.

"Where is this?" I asked. It seemed oddly familiar.

"We're at the Stark industries." He replies.

Wait, Stark industries? The last thing I remember was being partially paralysed by Obadiah. He took me outside.

Then everything came rushing back.

"There- there was a man here. He was working with Obadiah, he's about six feet tall, brown locks, blue eyes. He was here, he was working with him. He- he-" I'm cut off by Pepper walking in, frantically calling for me.

"Lis! Lisa. Oh my goodness. You're okay, you're fine." She said as she engulfed me into the tightest hug yet.

"I don't understand what's happening but you're choking the life out of me." I choked out and she abruptly let go off me.

"I'm sorry. You're fine, right?" She asks, pushing my hair back.

"I'm fine. You're acting like I'd just woken up from a coma or something." I said with a light chuckle. But she doesn't laugh back.

"But you did. Heck, you died, your heart stopped beating. When we found you, you didn't have a pulse. When they revived you, your veins were glowing. They were glowing bright blue. I thought I lost you." She said and I looked down at my hands. The were normal. No blue or anything.

But she couldn't be lying, she was crying.

"Eddie, he did something. Obadiah brought me to him. He brought out needles and I can't remember what happened after that. He must have done something. Did you see him? Ask him what he did." I said, panic seeping through me.

"Eddie, as in Edgar, Elena's brother?" She asks

"Yes. He did something to me Pepper." I informed her.

"Honey. Edgar is dead. We found him on the floor a few feet from you barely alive but he died before we could get anything out of him. I didn't recognise him. I'm sorry." Pepper says.

I feel a little part of me break. I killed the last relative of my best friend. I killed the last piece of Elena. Tears slips out of my eyes and Pepper pulls me to her and I cry on her shoulder.

"It's going to be okay. Everything is going to be fine." She comforts and for the first time ever, I doubt her words.

Nothing is going to be fine again.

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