King Nightmare👑

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As Nightmare explores the rest of his castle he sees Thor come in and starts running, Thor then loses Nightmare again, Nightmare try's turning into his demon but the poison still not wearied off, Nightmare's eyes started glowing every single color in the rainbow, because off the crown he has now became more powerful, Nightmare steps up to Thor looking up at him, then throws Thor against the wall, Thor sees the crown and snatched it off and breaks it, making Nightmare angry, Nightmare flying through the roof taking Thor with him, Thor and Nightmare now fighting on top of the castle. Nightmare charged at Thor but instantly is thrown too the ground,, Thor gets his hammer and tries choking Nightmare with it by forcing the handle on his neck, Nightmare struggles for a bit but then breaks the hammer, Thor being confused starts manually choking out Nightmare with both his hands, Nightmare gasping for air, breaks free and throws Thor off the castle, making hit the ground hard now he's bleeding, Nightmare jumped down to land on him but, Thor moved and grabbed his leg slamming him against the ground, Nightmare and Thor both hurt on the ground. Thor getting up first too kick Nightmare in the stomach several times, Thor now stepping on Nightmare's neck, Nightmare, Thor tells Nightmare that if only we can just get along, Nightmare says I can try while still struggling to breathe, Thor let's off of Nightmare, and help's him up, Thor takes Nightmare back too his place too talk, and then agreed too start getting along, Nightmare giving Thor's friends back in return, they hug afterwards.

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