Torture🤕 & Death☠️

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As Rico and Wolfe try going too sleep both wake up too find an old friend Stefen, seeing Rico, Rico turns into Nightmare but Stefen grabs Rico and knocks out Wolfe from stopping him, Stefen has Rico tied on top of a sky scraper, because Rico is afraid of heights?, Stefen laughing revealing that he has a minion named Carlos, Carlos starts cutting open Rico's chest until Stefen stops him, Stefen tells Carlos to eat Rico's eyes but first rip them out, Carlos sticks his hands on Rico's eyes and rips them off leaving bloody eye sockets, then Carlos eats both of Rico's eyes. Then Carlos starts licking Rico's empty eye socket licking up all the blood and gooey substances, as Carlos now starts too rip off Rico's ears then eats both of his ears, Rico still can see because of how powerful he is, but his vision is blurred, Carlos grabs a sledgehammer and smashed both of Rico's knees, and making Rico pled for his life, Carlos then untied Rico and holds him over the edge of the skyscraper, Ellis hiding in the shadows with Leo trying too save Rico, they managed too knock out Stefen with out causing any disruption, Carlos sees this and throws Rico off the edge before he turns into Nightmare but still barely can see and can't hear at all sees Carlos as a blurring image and grab's him, but Carlos turns into a demon as well known as Zypher, Nightmare changed into form 5 his finale form, and now he is taller than the building, he picks up Zypher and rips in half, then eats his body,  then picks up Stefen and sticks him into his mouth making toxic gas fill in his mouth knocking Stefen out then swallowed him. Nightmare turned into form 1 but can't change back too normal because of his anger is growing, Nightmare has his fire blades and sees Zypher is back, so he fly's towards Zypher and stabs into him lighting him on firm but then Nightmare takes him into space for a space fight, they land on the moon, Nightmare throws Zypher against the sun and holds him there with his foot, Zypher throws Nightmare off of him, Zypher starts ice towards Nightmare but Nightmare catching it then absorbing it Nightmare shoots a combo of lava and ice, then Zypher gets hit by the Lava and Ice and hurt badly now, Zypher pulls out the Death blade then trying too stab Nightmare but Leo appears too sacrifice his life while Nightmare kicked Zypher into the sun burning him alive and killing him.

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