Fear The Past😱😭

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Rico see's how hairy and sweaty Wolfe is and sees his bulge in his underwear showing, Rico starts undressing, and Wolfe undressing as well, they rush to the bathroom in his castle, with nobody around starts having sex, making Rico moan loudly, then Rico starts sucking Wolfe's hairy dick and ball sack, and then Rico goes into the shower and turns it on and both of them start jerking off, then Rico sits down on the built in chair in the shower, as Wolfe gives him a lap dance, but then they hear a screech, and immediately puts their clothes back on. They go to the hall of the castle and see, it is just Thor but then sees his eyes are red, Nightmare tells Wolfe to go, Wolfe says but... they Nightmare says just go, Wolfe leave's, Nightmare runs towards Thor and sees it is Darkness's rival Luminous, Luminous throws Nightmare across the hallway, as Nightmare turns into his demon form, and learns that his claws are made of ultra blood blades that will kill its prey with out having too stay in them calling it Blood Rix, Nightmare starts shootings dart's out of his claws, and hits Luminous's ankle and then the poison starts to have an affect on him, by making him hallucinate, and start sees blurred visions of Darkness, and then falls too the ground, Nightmare brings Luminous too the avengers base not trying to involve his friends he brings Luminous himself and knocks on the door, too see Tony Stark answer the door, Tony Stark helps Nightmare carry Luminous as he brings him to where he had been dead with the blade inside him, and gets a flashback of Thor torturing him and chasing him where he found the castle. Nightmare's eyes go full white as he is trapped in his own fear, Tony Stark sees Nightmare fall too the ground and picks him up immediately takes him too where everyone is at, and they try to figure out what is going on by looking inside his head with a futuristic technology, as they see he is scared of the past events involving the Avengers, and the X-Men, Nightmare starts to cry tears of blood, and then his head and arms started twitching. Thor sees this rushes too hold him down with Captain America as well, they managed to hold him down while they figure out a plan, and when Thor screamed in Nightmare's ear it made him stop twitching, but he said where are you!?, now blood is coming out his mouth ,nose, eyes ,and ears, they get Paper towels and cotton balls and manages to plug all the bleeding areas, Nightmare reaches towards Thor's hand and Thor grabs Nightmare's hand, as Nightmare shows Thor with vision's on how too make this stop, Thor says I know what too do he just showed me, he showed me that his body has too face what he's seeing as in physical torture, and says only Thor can do it, Thor hesitated for a hot second then started breaking Nightmare's limbs with his hammer, while everyone looked away, Nightmare tells Thor that is not enough and too chop off his legs and arms, Thor tells the others what he said, and they say no, but Thor realizes this is the only way too save Nightmare, Thor gets a chainsaw from one of the others, and starts cutting off Nightmare's arm's first as blood starts spraying on to Thor then he gets too the legs and starts on the right leg, now Nightmare's body is responding too the pain by trying to get up and Nightmare is screaming, Thor gets done with both legs, and Nightmare wakes up, seeing all the blood, Nightmare healing himself will take longer now because of all 4 limbs are cut off, Thor sees as Nightmare's arms has already grown back and one of his legs then Nightmare's last leg grew back.

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