Dreamer👹 V.S Nightmare👿

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Dreamer feels Nightmare fighting back hard, against him, making him fall too the ground, Nightmare slowly breaking Dreamer, while Dreamer arrives at his friends house and his, and Nightmare is holding Dreamer back, as Dreamer gets angry from Nightmare holding him back, Nightmare manages too take partial control, of the body, while Dreamer is also in control. Dreamer opened the door just too be stopped by Nightmare again, Dreamer leaves the body and goes back too Wolverine and takes control of his powerful body, managing to do so he is now on his way after Nightmare and his friends, Nightmare walks through the door to see his friends, and tells them what happened, Nightmare locked the door, behind him just in case Dreamer came back and sees Wolfe smiling at him, and all of his friends, he hugs all of his friends, and him and Wolfe proceeded upstairs where they proceeded to have sex and Rico sucks Wolfe's dick while Wolfe strokes Rico's dick, then Wolfe cums into Rico's mouth, then Rico starts licking from Wolfe's dick all up the chest both armpits and down his back through his ass, down his legs under his feet in between his toes and finished when they both heard a knock at the door down stairs, so they both proceeded downstairs as so did everyone else in the house. Wolverine started breaking through the door, Wolverine is helping Dreamer by breaking through the door, then  Nightmare yelled Dreamer's name to see Wolverine then stand in place then Dreamer replied by saying hello Nightmare are you and your friends ready to die, Nightmare says that he and his friends won't die that Dreamer is the one dying tonight, Dreamer leaping forwards towards Nightmare, Nightmare dodge's his attack attempt, Nightmare then started to try to find the fear inside of Wolverine to use against Dreamer, since he's in his body, Wolverines fear is drowning, Nightmare looks at Wolverine in confusion of why his fear is drowning. Nightmare puts Wolverine in a never ending nightmare of drowning, but the fear is not enough to bring down Dreamer, so Nightmare looks for Dreamer's fear, and Dreamer's fear is being abandoned by everyone, Nightmare sees that Dreamer is just lonely, Nightmare decides to help Dreamer showing him with his friends and shows him that they won't leave him ever again, Dreamer then leaves with the thought of his friends not abandoning him anymore and Wolverine leaves terrified, and shaken up.

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