Nightmare Is Cursed😵‍💫

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Rico sleeping in the Avengers base because he passed out, so Thor told Rico's husband too come stay with him just in case something bad happened, Wolfe arrived where Rico was sleeping, and hop's in bed with him, seeing Rico sweating, Wolfe puts his arm around Rico and pulls him into his chest, laying his head down softly on his chest, while telling Rico it's ok babe, in a deepen manly calm voice,  Wolfe and Rico both in their underwear, Wolfe's dick is gently pressing up against Rico's dick, Rico wakes up  gasping, Wolfe wrapped his muscular hairy legs around Rico's waist, and they start making out, with Wolfe on top of Rico now then, Wolfe sticks his hand in Rico's underwear stroking his dick softly, so Rico sticks his hand in Wolfe's athletic underwear and started stroking Wolfe's massive hairy dick,  then Wolfe taking his underwear off but tells Rico too leave his on so he can show Rico something, Wolfe starts sitting on Rico's face, and starts letting it rip making Rico start eating Wolfe's ass, while Wolfe has his hand in in Rico's underwear stroking his dick, then all of a sudden Nightmare throws Wolfe off him, with his eyes glowing red, Wolfe called Thor and the Avengers and they came too see Nightmare in demon form, every Avenger and Wolfe holds down Nightmare as he goes back to regular Rico, but his eyes twitching, Thor, Captain America,  and Wolfe staying to calm down Nightmare, but Nightmare says in a deepened voice get out, Thor tells Wolfe to go that he does not wanna watch him do this, Wolfe leaving, Thor and Captain America chain up Nightmare as he starts sweating because they turned the heat up, but he's in his underwear, so they don't know what's wrong with him, Nightmare growling at them, they assume that somehow Nightmare a demon is being possessed by another demon which confuses them, but they hold down Nightmare, Thor grabs a sledgehammer and smash his hands and feet trying to get the other demon too talk, then all of a sudden the demon tells him that he is not even a demon but yet a vampire, named Javier, Javier gets out of Nightmare and shows his true self, Wolfe's comes back too pick up Nightmare and take him too the castle, and gets Kristen, Leo, Nico, and Vincent to stay with them so they have more protection until the Avengers handle Javier, Javier bites Captain America and leaves, Captain America passes out.

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