Chapter 14

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Ayleen's POV

I felt her shifting beside me in bed, I kept my eyes closed as I was too exhausted to move, my body was hurting in the most beautiful way. Last night was amazing, Clara brought out a different side of me, I enjoyed her being rough with me and I could tell it's what she likes as well.. I knew she was holding back and I wanted to explore her world.

I felt her fingers caressing my cheeks, she must think I am still sleeping, I didn't want to move, I was enjoying the attention and care.

She kissed my neck and whispered, "Waking up to you became my favorite time of the day, love." My heart fluttered and my eyes immediately opened. I looked into her eyes, she seemed startled.

"You were awake?" she asked taken aback.

"What did you just call me?" I asked in disbelief.

"Uh.. nothing.. I think mom is making waffles, I'll take a shower," she quickly changed the subject and kissed my forehead before running out of bed.

I knew what I heard, I knew I was not mistaken, she called me love... it may mean nothing to her but it meant something to me, however, I chose not to pressure her about it.

After taking my shower, I got dressed in comfortable clothes and returned to bed where she was already laying. She remained quiet after this morning, working on her laptop, focused and distant, I would pay to figure out what was currently going through her mind.

Sighing, I turned on the TV and turned around to watch it, I felt the bed move and her arms wrapped around me, spooning me.. her knees found their way between my thighs and she entwined her fingers in mine, kissed me behind my ear and whispered. "I called you love but I don't know why I did," she told me weakly. 

A smile involuntarily appeared on my lips and I nodded, glad she finally spoke what was heaving on her heart. "We don't need to know the answer to everything, we can just enjoy the feeling it gives us," I reassured. 

"Sounds like a plan," she sighed in relief and buried her face in my neck.

I didn't know how much time has passed but I could feel her breathing softly and steadily, she must have fallen back asleep. Suddenly a sweet smell hit my nostrils as if calling me from outside the bedroom door. 

"I guess mom made ur waffles," Clara answered perfectly reading my mind as she stretched her body and yawned lazily. 

"Waffles?!" I gasped and pulled out of the bed, running outside the room without needing a confirmation, last thing I heard was Clara's hearty laugh. 

I walked into the kitchen and saw Andressa pouring what seemed to be melted chocolate at something on the plate. "Goodmorning," she chuckled. "I was about to think that you will have to eat your waffles cold." 

"Never, that smell is enough to call me from another country," I huffed and sat down, waiting impatiently for the food. 

"Had a good night?" she pointed towards my neck and giggled, realizing what she meant, my ears turned red and I looked down to the floor.

"Perfect night," Clara said as she appeared in the kitchen, she gave me a quick kiss on the back of my head and then hugged her mother. "I miss your waffles."

"I never tried them," I confessed, trying to change the embarrassing topic

"What?" They both said at the same time.

"This changes today," Andressa placed the plate in front of me, and without having to say a word I dug right in. 

"Fuck that's so good," I moaned and closed my eyes savoring the taste. 

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