Chapter 5: Getting Out of Control

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Barging through one of the sets of double doors in the corridor, Elle stormed her self through the rooms, tears falling down her face in anger, shame and fear, her whole body shaking because of what had happened. She couldn't believe what she had said to Grace, she was just so angry it just slipped out. She didn't blame her for hitting her, she deserved it. Elle could feel a lump and pain rising on her cheek from where Grace had hit her. Also her head continued to hurt from French making her feel even worse. She knew she needed to apologise to Grace but that meant telling her the truth which she wasn't ready to do.

Elle had spent so long hiding it from everyone that she didn't even know where to begin or who to tell first. Feeling herself becoming dizzy, she propped herself up against a wall hoping that it would quickly pass, the last thing she needed was to draw more attention to herself.

As Elle steadied herself, she heard footsteps coming down the corridor and noticed that it was Mr Lawson. She quickly tried to wipe her eyes to try and hide the tears but she just couldn't stop herself from crying, it was all getting out of control.

"Elle, why aren't you in lesson?" Mr Lawson asked as he approached the figure in the corner of the corridor. In that moment Elle looked like a child who was upset. He could instantly tell that something wasn't right as she was shaking and she had never missed a single lesson in school before. He walked closer to her, placing a hand on her shoulder to encourage her to turn around but instead she remained with her back to him.

"Come on Elle, what's happened?" Mr Lawson asked Elle he could tell through the peace and quiet that she was crying as he could distinguish muffled sobbing as she tried her best to hide it from him again.

"Nothing," Elle replied quietly but Eddie was determined to get to the bottom of this. He hated seeing any pupil upset, especially if he didn't know why as he wanted to do what he could to try and help them.

"Elle, I'm not daft. I know something is wrong." Mr Lawson explained. "Please, tell me so that we can stop it and help you."

"It doesn't matter, just leave it. It's all my own stupid fault. I've ruined everything." Elle cries, Mr Lawson leans back on the bit of wall next to Elle.

"Ruined what?" Eddie asked confused about the situation as he had no idea what she was going on about. However, as he stood waiting for a response, the only sound filling into his ears was the sound of more crying and whimpering.

"Elle, look at me." Eddie gently said as he stood next to the young girl. Elle knew she would have to explain at some point so she hesitantly turned her head to look at Mr Lawson, worry sketched all over his face, even more so when he noticed the bruise.

"Who did that to you Elle ?" Eddie asks Elle as he examined the lump on her cheek, a deep bruise beginning to form on the top of it.

"Nobody, ok, just leave me alone!" Elle shouts and cries. She was sick of people asking her questions and all she wanted was to be alone with her thoughts. She began to walk away, Mr Lawson watching from the place she left him standing wondering whether to go after her or to leave her to cool off when suddenly she stopped, raising her hand to her head, her bag dropping to the floor. Eddie rushed down the corridor to see what was wrong and found her leaning against the wall, fresh tears in her eyes, lots of pain showing on her face.

"In here," Mr Lawson said gently as he picked up Elle's bag off the floor and helps her into an empty classroom nearby.

"Do you want me to go and get the nurse? You really don't look well." Eddie asked kindly as he didn't want anything else to happen to Elle. He watched as she rubbed her temples before looking up at Eddie.

"No, I'm fine. Just a bad headache." Elle answered, wiping away the last few stray tears.

"I should really get someone to check that cheek anyways." Lawson explained but before he had a chance to do anything Elle had got up off of her seat and had began walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Eddie asked confusingly as he followed Elle who explained that she needed to go and talk to Grace.

"Which lesson is she in?" Mr Lawson asked so he knew where to get her from but as he waited for a reply, Elle paused.

"Sir, she's in the cooler." Elle answered him, watching as the confused look reappeared on Eddie's face. "We had an argument in French and she hit me." Elle explained but before Eddie had a chance to ask any more questions, Elle had continued on her mission to talk to Grace.

As Eddie stood there his thoughts wandered. So far today two smart model students have managed to get themselves into trouble and were definitely hiding something, and Eddie had no idea what it was. He knew he needed to get to the bottom of this and that he needed to inform Rachel what had happened but he knew he couldn't leave the girls together in case they started fighting again so he decided to stay with them to see if he could get any answers.

However, he knew that this was certainly going to be easier said than done but feeling determined, he made his way down to the cooler with Elle.

On the way to the cooler Elle wondered what she would say to Grace and also what Grace was going to think about the news.

A/N: Thanks for reading did you enjoy if so message me what you thought about this chapter?

Love from Lily

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