Chapter 7: Why Hasn't She Told Me?

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"I pushed her too hard to be more confident," Grace said as she continued to stare at the door that Elle had left through. "If I hadn't had pushed her for an answer none of this would have happened." Grace exclaimed as she began to pace back up and down around the room.

"I shouldn't have hit her, what if that makes it worse? " Grace explained desperately as she pushed her fingers through her hair that was falling down past her shoulders.

"Hey, there's no point beating yourself up until we know exactly what is going on." Kim Campbell explained as she put her hands onto grace's shoulder to stop her pacing, forcing her to look at her and listen. "It's obvious that this is hard for Elle going through she didn't want you to go through it to be sad. Just be patient and don't blame yourself as it not your fault we will all help her."

"But why hasn't she told me? I'm her twin sister!" Grace shouted. "she's ill don't she need help, she should have told me! I tell her everything!" Grace says with tears in her eyes.

"Just calm down. Take some deep breaths." Kim said calmly as she tried to calm Grace down. Kim had only experienced Grace this angry once before when another pupil had been bullying Elle and ended up hitting her and Grace ended up fighting to protect Elle.

"Miss, please just stop. You of all people should understand how close Elle and I are. I want to tell her I'm there for her and ask why she didn't want to tell me." Grace said as she grabbed her bag from the floor and began heading towards the door, weaving her way in between the tables that blocked the direct route there.

"Gracie, hang on! You cant just go demanding answers. Think of how Elle is feeling. There must be a reason she didn't tell you. Maybe she's afraid of what you'll say, scared to tell you because of how you will react. Maybe she hasn't registered what people's view of her with being I'll and sick and can't bear to tell anyone else. Just think of that for a second before you go barging in." Kim Campbell said calmly as Grace perching herself on to the edge of a nearby table, thinking about what Miss Campbell had just said to her calmly.

"I just feel so useless being in here whilst I know that she's ill not knowing what is making it even harder. I just don't know what to do or what to think." Grace sobbed as she let her head fall into her hands, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Hey, come on. I know it's not nice not being able to do anything but you need to stay strong. It's Elle it's happening to and there is no point getting upset until you know the full story." Kim explained as she hugged Grace until she managed to pull herself together.

"I guess you're right. When can I go and see her?" Grace asked as she wiped away the flood of tears on her cheeks and took a few deep breaths to try and compose herself.

"I'll go and find Mr Lawson and see what is going on. Stay here until I get back." Miss Campbell explained before leaving the room. She takes a Whicker backwards glance through the window to make sure that Grace was going to stay in the room and watched as she pulled out a chair and sat down on it, finally managing to calm herself down.

Grace sat there looking at her hands which were shaking thinking about her best friend since day one.

Grace and Elle apologise to each other now" Elizabeth shouted at her twin girls

Elizabeth Parker looks at Grace who is bold and confident. Then she looks at Elle was is quiet, clever. Elizabeth Parker sadly lost her husband who was her true love and brilliant father to the girls.

"Grace you're my best friend from the inside of mom, yes we shout and scream like maniacs. Im sorry. I love you G" Elle said

"Dad would be so proud of you being smart and artistic and kind I'm sorry. I love you too E" Grace says.

One night Elle went to secretly went to her mum to ask her a question.

"Elle why are you not in bed" Elizabeth Parker scolded her youngest twin daughter.

Elle looked at her mum "I've been getting bad headaches i think somethings really wrong mum" Elle said quietly.

"Ok I'll get a doctors appointment sometime next week baby I'm sure there's nothing wrong" Elizabeth said wondering if something was though.

"Ok I'll get a doctors appointment sometime next week baby I'm sure there's nothing wrong" Elizabeth said wondering if something was though

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A/N: Thanks for reading did you enjoy if so message me what you thought about the chapter?

Love from Lily

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