Chapter 8: I don't want to talk about it

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As Rachel Mason made her way out of her office to go on a wander around the school to check everything was in order, she was stopped in her tracks by Eddie Lawson and Elle Parker.

"Is everything ok?" Rachel asked Eddie looking concerningly as she looked at Elle who was rather pale looking, tears in her eyes which were red and puffy, Eddie Lawson looking worried and confused.

"Not really, can we talk in your office?" Eddie asked before Rachel nodded and then turned around and retraced her steps back into her office where she invited Eddie in and offered Elle to sit down and take a seat at the circular table which she accepted and Rachel watched as Elle instantly collapsed into the seat.

"Elle sweetheart, what's going on?" Rachel asked as she sat down at the table next to Elle, Eddie then takes the other vacant seat next to Elle and placed a glass of water down in front of her which she instantly picked up and sipped from.

"Elle tell miss Mason what you told me," Eddie Lawson prompted as he watched her place the glass shakily back on to the table still avoiding all eye contact.

"I don't want to talk about it." Elle said quietly as Rachel looked at Eddie as he obviously knew he glanced nervously at each other.

"Elle if you tell us then we can deal with it" Rachel says.

"We're here to help Elle, Grace don't even know this she is really worried about you despite the argument you two have had." Eddie explained in the hope that it would slowly encourage her to open up but it didn't seem to be working.

"Don't make me laugh. Grace will be happy to know she'll get the 100% attention of my mom Elle snapped whilst crying

"Grace hit you?" Rachel asked confusingly. After all, it was the first she had heard about the incident in the French class.

"Elle and Grace were having an argument in Miss Haydock's class and Grace lost her temper and hit her so they both went to the cooler with myself and Miss Campbell." Eddie Lawson explained to fill Rachel in with what had been happening. "Grace was trying to find out what it is that Elle is not telling her and something was said that shouldn't have been said but slipped out in the heat of the moment."

"So what is it that you are keeping a secret?" Rachel Mason asked casually as she had no idea what to expect, but then she remembered that Elle had come into school late that morning due to a hospital appointment.

"Nothing, ok. Please can we just drop it?" Elle shouted  with tears falling down her cheeks as she shot up out of her seat and started to pace around the room.

"There is obviously something bothering you and miss need to..." Eddie replied but he was cut short by Elle.

"Well, i can't do it I can't say it. It's my problem and I'll sort it out my own way!" Elle shouted, fresh tears appearing in her eyes as she rummaged through her bag whilst looking for a tissue.

"It becomes our business when it starts to affect your school work and other pupils in this school. You were involved in a fight today. Do you realise how serious this is?" Rachel asked and she watched Elle as silence fell in the room.

"Fine. If you're not going to talk then Mr Eddie Lawson will and then after that I will just have to call your Mum." Rachel explained as she got up out of her seat and began walking back over to her desk.

"No! Don't do that." Elle replied instantly, a state of panic in her voice causing Rachel and Eddie looked at each other to once again glance unnervingly at each other.

"Mr Lawson what is it"
Rachel asked as she rested her hand on the phone ready to start dialling mrs Parker's number. She waited for Elle or Eddie to answer her and she was just about to start dialling the relevant number when Elle started talking quietly.

"I just wanted one more normal day." Elle sobbed as she slid her way back into the seat at the table next to Mr Lawson, Rachel making her way back over and placed a supportive hand on her lap as she encouraged her to explain what she meant.

Elle looked at Eddie who bonded supportively "I can't. It's too hard to say." Elle whimpered as she looked Rachel in the eyes for the first time, then at Eddie again.

"Come on Elle. I know it's hard but we'll try and help you in any way that we can." Rachel said gently as she looked at Elle Parker in the eyes and could see the fear and worry deep within them.

"Ok," Elle said quietly as she took a deep breath, plucking up the courage to try and explain what it was that was going on. "Mum was going to come in and tell you this morning but I wouldn't let her, but at the hospital this morning I got that I...I..." Elle started but she just couldn't get her words out.

"It's ok Elle, take your time."
Eddie said supportively before giving her a reassuring smile.

"I...I...I've got...I've got cancer..." Elle whispered as that is all she was capable of managing before breaking down into uncontrollable tears, Rachel pulling Elle in to her tight for a huge hug whilst Eddie sat there briefly not able to comprehend what had just been said to him even though he knew already.

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