Chapter Two

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''You just rang the dinner bell''

I stood there shivering at the sight of walkers growling, banging on the double set of doors of the store's front. A few tried to smash their way in with rocks and bricks making me jump up at the sudden reaction, hiding behind rick, terrified that something bad might happen. I've never seen such a scene in true sight; never experienced something like this. I was petrified. I wasn't properly equipped for this.

''God what the hell were you two doing out there anyway'' Andrea glanced at both of us, making it clear she wasn't pleased with our presence.

''Trying to flag the helicopter'' Rick gulped looking at me making me raise my eyebrows in disbelief. Helicopter? I never saw nor heard the sound of one, we were at the same place. Where was this all coming?

''Helicopter? Man, that's crap. Ain't no damn helicopter'' T-dog barked, harsher than intended. Although the idea might sound insane at a time like this, I don't think Rick would have made it all up. I've known him for not more than a day and I don't believe he would attempt such a thing. Something about him made me feel like I can trust him, which in our current time could be a really bad thing.

''You were chasing a hallucination, imagining things. It happens'' A black woman, Jacqui, spoke up from around the corner getting Rick all irritated since no one truly believed him.

''I saw it'' Rick snapped at her comment making her and the rest of the group go silent, not wanting to push it further.

Andrea's eyes shifted towards me, waiting impatiently for an answer ''I was only trying to survive''

My voice was low but hearable. She rolled her eyes in annoyance, clearly unsatisfied with my response. I let out a sigh out of discomfort, shifting my feet around. We're all getting along pretty well.

''Hey T-dog, try that C.B. Try to see if can you contact the others'' Another member of the group said from across the room, that particular sentence catching my attention as it made my eyes light up in hope. This meant that there are more people that are alive out there, I wasn't the only one out of few out like I had thought.

''Others? The refugee center?'' Rick wondered making them chuckle out in laughter, sharing the same thought as I did which is that the refugee center was a bunch of made-up bullshit. Jacob and I were out there searching for the refugee center, hoping to find some shelter but that wasn't the case, it wasn't what they let it out to be.

''Yeah, the refugee center. They've got biscuits waiting at the oven for us'' Jacqui said sarcastically making me crack a quiet chuckle. We watched as T-dog tried to figure out a way to contact the other survivors in their so called camp but we all watched him fail miserably. The connection was rough, there wasn't any visible line to contact them.

''If there's a roof, you can try it'' I suggested quietly, keeping to myself as I felt their laser stares gashing through my body. As soon as I said that, gunshots were heard from the now shaken roof. Panic and stress was the only expression on these people's faces.

''Oh no, is that Dixon?'' ''What is that maniac doing?''

Everyone rushed up the stairs. I look at Rick confused, as he grabbed my hand dragging us behind them. We burst through the metal door that led to the roof, coming in contact with the scene in front of us; a bald man was standing over the edge of the roof, shooting at walkers down the street, every shot was making my heart pound and my body cringe.

''Hey Dixon, are you crazy?'' The guy that worked alongside T-dog earlier today when we were rescued yelled making everyone stand there staring at the sight in front of them in disbelief. Guess this was normal behavior for this guy.

''Hey! Y'all be more polite to a man with a guy with a gun! Huh! Only common sense'' His southern accent sent chills down my spine, myself shifting behind Rick knowing this possibly isn't going to be in one and I wasn't about to get myself caught in the middle of it.

''Man, you're wasting bullets we don't even got man. And you're bringing every more of them down our ass! Man just chill'' T-dog jumped down the platform warning him but slowly getting in 'Dixon's' face.

''Hey! Bad enough I've got this taco-blender on my ass all day. Now I'm gonna take orders from you? I don't think so bro, that'll be the day'' Dixon said as he got closer to T-dog, myself biting the inside of my lip, nervous at the scene in front of me. This guy is smug, people like him are trouble and nothing more.

''That'll be the day? You got something you want to tell me?'' T-dog asked making me sigh stepping away from the situation. Glenn kept his eyes on me, not in suspension but it was more of making sure I was okay and not about to do anything stupid like shoot the guy. I just didn't want a fight to occur.

Everyone was encouraging T-dog to leave it and for Merle to relax, but he was resistant and anger just built stronger inside of him ''You want to know the day? Well I'll tell you the day Mr 'Yo', Its the day I take orders from a nigg—''

Before Merle could finish using a derogatory term, T-dog grew furious as he threw a punch towards Merle's for his racist comments making him dodge it. He hit T-dog with the butt of his rifle against his face, making me jump up wanting him to stop as this situation was unnecessary escalating. Merle continued pounding down on T-dog making Rick step in trying to break it up, only to get hit in the face by Merle. I kneeled down checking upon him as he touched his jaw in pain ''Are you okay?''

My breath hitched up to my throat as I watched Merle point his pistol at T-dog, an evil smirk on his face ''Yeah! All right! We're gonna have ourselves a little powwow. Talk about who's in charge. I vote for me. Anybody else? Huh? Democracy time y'all, Show of hands. All in favor? Come on''

I watched as everyone raised there hands as the pistol followed from Andrea to Glenn and all the way to me which forced me to raise my hand out of safety to myself and the others, not wanting to cause problems with some prick who thinks he owns the world, who clearly has a huge ego ''Now that means I'm the boss right? Anybody else? Hmm? Anybody?''

''Yeah'' Rick uttered sarcastically once he got back up on his feet, grabbing the rifle hitting Merle over the head with the gun making him fall down. He dragged him across the floor and pulled out cuffs from the back of his pocket, cuffing him to a pipe.

''Who the hell are you man!?'' Merle howled making Rick clench harder onto the gun trying his best to resist.

''Officer friendly'' He mumbled sarcastically getting close to him ''Look here Merle. Things are different now. There are no niggers anymore. No dumb-as-shit inbred white trash fools either. Only dark meat and white meat. There's us and the dead. We survive this by pulling together, not apart''

''Screw you man'' Merle chuckled making Rick reload his gun, pulling Merle's chin up with it. I sighed walking away not wanting to hear any more of it. There has to be a way out of here. I sat down cross-legged in the corner of the root, resting my head on the wall allowing the rough wall to scratch my back. I fiddled with the ring attached to my necklace, closing my eyes taking myself to a place of good memories.

I giggled at Jacob as he stuffed his face with whatever he had been munching on the last fifteen minutes mumbling the words ''I love you'' In between gags. I decided to challenge him to shove twenty pieces of candy and he couldn't resist the challenge despite knowing he would loose. I pushed him away from me as some of the food spilled out of his mouth into my lap making me laugh and gag out of disgust at the same time as he tried to kiss me. As disgusting as it was, it was Jacob. I couldn't resist. I love him too much. He cleaned himself up, leaning in for a kiss.

''I can't lose you'' I frowned as he said that his eyes filled with pain, his lips still placed against mine. I glanced down at my newly engagement ring, shaking my head.

''I'm sick Jake. Every task is a struggle, we shouldn't have done this. I'm losing the fight and you know it'' My voice cracked watching him shake his head, giving me a weak smile.

''This is only the start of the fight. You'll get through this, I know you can''

''You alright?'' Glenn asked making me snap out into reality. I didn't realize I was getting choked up and teary-eyed. I slowly nodded as I let out a shaky breath and looked up at the gloomy sky. I'm trying Jacob, I really am.

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