Chapter Twenty Eight

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Once morning came, everyone went over what it was they were going to do whilst going inside the prison. There was a part of me that was sad that I wasn't going to be going in there as well, but then again I realised that I really wasn't going to be any help in there; to be honest I was just going to be a hindrance.

So, with that being said, I stayed outside that particular part of the prison, closing the gate as the rest of them went inside. There was only a handful of people who stayed outside, Herschel, myself, Beth, Lori, Carl and Carol were left on the outside of the gate, left to watch as they fought their way through the walkers that were holding up the gateway.

I was chewing on my thumb nail, nervous for them all.

Daryl and I hadn't even spoken that morning once we'd woken up. He woke up before me, having gotten swiftly changed and stormed out of the tent. That was actually what had woken me up. I had packed the tent away on my own and pushed it into it's small packaging with force, quite clear to anyone looking that I was pissed off at something and to be honest, I'm pretty sure everyone knew it was Daryl.

We were all anxiously waiting outside the gate, no one actually saying anything as we watched on.

Finally, Rick came out, telling everyone that they could come into the 'C' cell block that they had cleared out.

I was kind of in awe at the prison as we rushed in, everyone carrying a lot of bags, everyone apart from Lori, obviously we weren't going to be letting a pregnant woman carry a bunch of things.

Once we were in the cells, I carried my bags up the metal stairs into the cells that were up the top. I wanted to be above the ground, it was kind of safer that way if you think about it. Daryl had pulled a mattress onto the perch at the top of the stairs, complaining that he wasn't going to be sleeping in a cage. To be honest right now, I couldn't care less where he slept, as long as it wasn't anywhere near Carol. Okay, that may have been a bit petty but I was still pretty pissed off from the argument the night before. Both of s were at fault for that but I didn't want to be the one to apologise first.

"Annora!" Rick called from below the stairs. "Mind giving us a hand?" I nodded and left my bag in the cell, hopping down the stairs and coming to stand with the rest of the people, a bunch of old weapons and riot gear left on a table.

"That is officially disgusting." I cringe as I look at one of the gloves that T-Dog was holding up, it dripping some kind of goo. "Seriously what even is that?" I turned my nose up and dodged out the way as he made a move towards me.

"I ain't wearin' this shit." Daryl muttered, looking at one of the helmets that was covered in the same substance that was covering the glove T-Dog was holding up.
"We could boil 'em?" T-Dog asked, his nose turned up at the glove.

"I don't think that would even scratch the surface of whatever that is." I shuddered at the sight of it.

"You coming with us?" Glenn asked as he looked at the several weapons that were laid out on the table. There was a second when I thought he may have been talking to someone else, but when I realised he was talking to me and burst out laughing at the thought.

"No." Daryl spoke for me, dead panned and not even looking at anyone. I stopped laughing and looked towards him, raising an eyebrow before turning to Glenn.
"Thanks for the offer but no. I wouldn't be any help. I'll stay back here and look after Lori and Carl." Rick sent me a thankful nod. Rick, Glenn, Daryl, Maggie and Herschel all set off into the tunnels connecting all the cell blocks.

I was going to help around with Lori, but I was going to be spending most of my time with Beth until the others came back, I wasn't going to be going anywhere near Carol and right now; she was with Lori.


"Carl! Open the gate!" I heard Rick calling and bolted out of my cell block, jumping down the stairs as the Rick came through the cell block with Herschel on some kind of table, the bottom half of one of his legs missing.

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