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The loud sound of the alarm clock echoed around the room, with a fright, Theo sat up in her bed and turned off the annoying sound. Rubbing her eyes tiredly, she got herself out of bed and looked at her desk chair which had a nice, light pink dress hanging over it. It took her a minute to remember what day it was, it was Christine's wedding day. 

Although Theo had never really met Christine, she had heard of her from her dad, who talked about her a lot of the time. After getting herself dressed, she went downstairs to find her dad who was looking very upset, it pained her to see him like that. 

"Are you okay?" She asked softly, already knowing the answer.

He looked up at her with a small, fake smile and replied, "Yeah, I'm okay, are you ready to go?" Changing the subject. Theo had learned that he did that that when he didn't want to speak about his feelings so instead of pushing him into tell her what's wrong, she decided to leave it be for now. 

"Yep!" The blonde girl answered as she did a little turn in her dress, smiling. Seeing her smile made Stephen smile, "Are you ready for this?" She asked once she stopped turning, his smile faltered a bit as he was hesitant to answer but he nodded and began to walk towards the door, the girl following him.


Once the two arrived at the wedding venue, they sat down on a bench and waited, Theo could clearly tell that her dad was very upset about being here. As she was about to speak to him, a man sat down next to them and talked to Stephen. Theo didn't really concentrate on the conversation but she heard the man say at the end, "You still didn't get the girl." 

This made her turn her head to glare at the man before the music started and Christine walked out, her dress was beautiful but Theo could see the tears in her dads eyes and couldn't help but feel extreme sympathy towards him.

When that part of it was over, the two stayed together near the bar, not really talking to each other but just enjoying the others company. Suddenly Christine was standing beside them as she asked the bartender for a drink, Stephen said, "Allow me, miss." And used his magic to create a drink in a cup for her, the two talked for a short time and Christine asked him if he was happy, he seemed reluctant to answer. 

The blonde then turned to her, "You must be Theo!" The bride stated happily, "I heard a lot about you, it's good to finally meet you in person." She explain as she brought the younger girl in for a hug.

Theo smile a little as she hugged back, "It's good to meet you too, congratulations on the wedding!" She tried to be friendly but kept thinking about how sad her dad was today. 

"Thank you." Christine replied as she continued to speak to Stephen, who had a look of heartbreak by the end of the conversation. The girl was about to say something when there was the sound of crashing and screaming coming from outside, the two rushed on the balcony to see what was going on. Stephen finished his drink before jumping off, his outfit changing.

Theo muttered some swear words in Spanish before jumping off the balcony as well, when she reached the ground, her dad changed her outfit into dark brown coloured jeans and a grey sleeveless turtleneck shirt with black fingerless gloves. 

Suddenly this brown haired girl in a denim jacket was running away from something, Theo stared at her for a short time before the girl ran into a bus. The bus then started to levitate and after a small flick of Stephens hand, a one eyed octopus monster could be seen. He then opened up the bus and the girl was hanging on by a pole, Stephen sent his cape to catch the girl as she fell. The cape brought the girl towards them as her and her dad continued to use their abilities against the monster, once the girl was next to them, Theo was about to say something before the girl shouted, "Look out!" 

The creature threw the bus at the three of them and Theo pulled the mystery girl behind her dad as he split the bus in half down the middle so that it didn't hit them. Stephen looked at the girl with a look of confusion, "Do I know you?" He asked but he was interrupted by the creature as it  threw him into a nearby shop.

 "DAD!" Theo screamed before blasting electrical energy at the monster which seemed to only annoying it more. Before she could run away, she was grabbed by a giant tentacle and thrown into a window of a building, the glass shattered and bits of glass sliced through her face. The last thing she heard was a scream before everything went black.

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