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Wanda's protectors turned to Theo but the girl wasted no time in throwing them over the edge of the cliff. The witch turned around to face the girl, "I thought you were dead." Wanda snarled, "I told you I wouldn't let you touch her." Replied Theo as she fired more energy towards Wanda, a lot stronger than ever before. 

The witch stumbled back. Slightly surprised by the girls strength but Theo didn't give her time to recover. The blonde ran up to her enemy, kicking off a wall before slamming at powerful blast in the witches face. There was a ringing in her ears. Wanda snarled, throwing red magic towards the girl. Theo was thrown back from the impact, her back smashed against the stone wall.

However, she didn't stop. 

The girl created energy in her hands and threw herself at the witch. As they collided, the blast caused both to fall back. Theo slide back on her knee, electrical sparks building up in her hands as sparks started to appear in her glowing eyes. Wanda continued to throw powerful magic at her and Theo got hit many times. 

The witch tried to hold Theo in place like she did before but the girl was too strong and took control of her own body. 

Her clothes became blood-stained from the many times she was hit by Wanda's magic but no matter how badly she got hurt, she kept fighting. Her breaths were short, jagged and pained. Her body felt weak and with every movement: it sent a shot of pain through her body. But her mind had no thoughts other than protecting America. 

With a large surge of energy, Theo jumped up and blasted Wanda back. She's never used this much energy before and her body was shutting down. The witch recovered and used magic to hold Theo in place, this time, the girl was too weak to fight it.  

Theo was thrown to the side. She hit the wall with a big force and then everything went dark.

Wanda blew hair out of her face before turning her attention back to America, who stared at the still body of Theo. America's screams filled the tomb as Wanda took the power from the girl.

Meanwhile, Stephen managed to get ahold of a darkhold and prepared to dreamwalk. He seen America screaming, "Hold on, we're coming." He said before setting the book down and was about to cast the spell. "What are you doing with the darkhold?" Christine asked, approaching him. "Are you going to dreamwalk?" She questioned, "It's a little more than just dreamwalking." He replied.

Christine scoffed, "All you Stranges, you're the same." 

"I know." Stephen stated, "You're right. We are all the same but right now that kid needs me and I can't do any of this without your help. While I'm under, I need you to protect my body in case they attack me for trespassing." 

Christine furrowed her eyebrows, "Who's they?" Stephen paused for a second, "The souls of the damned." He said before gathering many candles around him and levitating up to dreamwalk. "Okay but doesn't a version of you have to be in that universe? So that you can dreamwalk into them?" The redhead asked, Stephen opened one eye to look at her, "Who said they had to by living?" 

Theo groaned, every part of her body in a lot of pain. As the ringing in her ears stopped, she heard the screaming of America. This made her stand up but she was immediately pinned to the wall by Wanda's powers, "You just won't stay down, will you?" The witch snarled. 

Suddenly, a dark shadow-like creature flew into the tomb. Theo's eyes were too tired to look to see who it is but she already knew. It was her dad. 

Wanda still used her powers to hold Theo against the wall as she walked up to Stephen, "Dreamwalking you hypocrite!" Wanda yelled as she threw magic at him. The souls of the damned protected him, "This time, It's going to take more then killing me to kill me." He says to her.

He charged at the witch, dodging her magic and sent the souls of the damned to circle around her, Wong climbed up the cliff after being thrown down it a while ago. "I don't even wanna know." He says to Stephen before using sorcery to lock Wanda in with the souls of the damned. 

"She's breaking free." Wong warned him, "Hold her." Replied Stephen, "Strange, take America's power!" Wong demanded the other man. Stephen looked at the girl, who was still frozen in place by Wanda's powers, "There's no other way." He explained. 

Stephen went up and released, America, releasing Theo as well, who fell to the floor. "It's me in other me's body." He explained to America, a tear slipped form the girls eye. Theo noticed this as she shakily stood up, "You're going to take my power, aren't you? Before Wanda can, it's okay, I understand now." America said, smiling weakly.

Theo froze, "No you can't." She whispered, voice breaking. America looked up at the girl, smiling, "It's okay." She said but the other girl shook her head, letting a tear fall. Stephen thought for a moment, "No, America, I've come here to tell you to trust yourself, trust your power, that's how we stop her." Stephen told her, Theo felt a wave of relief go over her, "But I can't control it." The brunette said, "You can and you have been." The blonde told her, encouragingly. 

"Every time, you have sent us exactly where we needed to go." Stephen told her, "What about the first time." America asked. "Even that led you to this moment, you're going to kick that witches ass." Stephen said, and America nodded. 

Wanda broke free, knocking Wong back, she blasted Stephen and his body started decomposing. The witch pulled Theo up and was about to blast magic at her when America jumped off the stone table, punching the witch in the face. After a moment of surprise, the girl kept punching and kicking Wanda until the witch was on the edge of a cliff. 

When America tried to punch her again, Wanda caught the punch and moved America backwards, "I can't beat you, so I'll give you what you want." She said before punching her again, opening a portal. Wanda put America in a chokehold and threw Theo across the room as she tried to help. 

Wanda then noticed that her kids were in front of her, "Billy, Tommy." She called out. The two looked up and screamed for their mom. Wanda turned to America, "What have you done?" She asked her. The Wanda from that universe comforted her children making the witch angry, she dropped America and charged forward throwing her alternate self across the room. The kids then started throwing toys at her, shouting at her.

Theo walked up to America, limping slightly and holding her side. She stood next to her as they watched Wanda. After the boys continued shouting at her, she snapped, "Stop it!" She shouted. The boys whimpered and hid behind the staircase. Wanda walked after them, "Please don't hurt us." Wanda looked shocked, "I would never hurt you. Never. I would never hurt anyone, I'm not a monster, I'm...I'm..." Wanda let tears fall from her eyes as she backed away from the staircase. 

Coming to a realisation of what's she's done and who she's become, Wanda fell to her knees, the other Wanda walked over to her, holding her face, "Know that they'll be loved." She says before America closes the portal and Wanda is back in the tomb. 

Seeing Wanda cry, makes Theo feel extreme sympathy towards her. The witch then floats over to the stone table, America grabbed Theo's hand and ran over to Stephen, "What now?" She asked him, "Get out of here." He replies, "Wait, what about you?" Theo asks, "I'll find him, I promise." America says, looking from Theo to Stephen.

The two rush over to Wong and America opens a portal to Kamar-Taj, "We have to go now." She exclaims and the three step into the portal. 

"I opened the darkhold, I have to close it." Wanda started and Stephen nodded, understandably, "No one will ever be tempted by the darkhold again." She says, quietly. Then she starts destroying the tomb, bring it to the ground, as it falls a flash of red is seen. 

America manages to find Stephen and opens a portal for him, Theo rush up to him and hugs him very tightly. "You okay?" He asks his daughter, "I've been better, you?" She responds, "I'm okay, I'm okay." He says to her, hugging back just as tightly.

ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴘᴀʀᴀᴅɪꜱᴇ, America ChavezWhere stories live. Discover now