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Back at Kamar-Taj, America started training with the other students. They were also working on the repairs.

Theo sat, on a balcony, looking of into the distance. She heard footsteps behind her, "Hey." America said as she sat next to her. "Hey." Theo smiled, "I made some sparks." America commented, smiling back at her. "That's cool, well done." The blonde congratulated the other.

"How are you holding up? Y'know with the injuries." The brunette asked, Theo looked at the multiple scrapes, bruises and cuts over her body, "I'm doing fine, still a little sore but fine, you about you?" She asked, moving closer to the other girl. "I'm good." 

They stared at each other for a moment, then Theo's eyes flickered down to America's lips, they started leaning in and Theo felt her heart explode when their lips touched. The kiss was short but meaningful, both girls smiled afterwards, cheeks flushed red. "I've liked you for a while." Theo confessed, nervously. "You have?" America asked, "yeah." The brunette kissed her again, "I've liked you for a while as well, Querida."

The blonde practically melted at the nickname and leaned her head on America's shoulder as the watched the colours in the sky.



- "Darling"

ᴅᴀʀᴋ ᴘᴀʀᴀᴅɪꜱᴇ, America ChavezWhere stories live. Discover now