ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6

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Theo woke up, her vision blurry for a moment, then she heard someone shouting. The blonde sat up and looked to where the noises were coming from, "Hey!" The shouting continued, America banged on the glass. 

"America?" Theo asked, the said girl whipped around helping Theo up, "Oh you're awake!" She exclaimed, her tone seemed slightly annoyed and Theo seen why. They were stuck in a massive box with clear walls, next to them, Stephen was also stuck in the same thing but he was still unconscious. "What the fuck is this?" Theo asked, feeling the wall.

The blonde was about to use her electrokinesis to break the wall before seeing the cuffs on her wrists which prevented her from using her powers. She groaned as America went back to shouting at the people in lab coats. 

A few seconds later, Stephen woke up, "This universe sucks." Said a very annoyed America as she looked at him. He tried to use his magic but it was no use, "Hey, lab coat, where the hell are we?" He asked, getting no response, he spoke again, "Look, I don't know who you are or what you think you're trying to do here but these situations don't usually work out well for the nameless scientist, so just-"

He cut of when the female turned around, "Oh for fucks sake." Theo stated, looking at the woman in front of them. 

"Christine?" Stephen asked, America turned to look at the woman, "Hello, Stephen." Christine replied before turning to the two girls, "Miss Chavez." She nodded to the girl then turning to the other girl, "Theo." The blonde waved unenthusiastically.

The redhead moved her gaze back to Stephen, "To answer your question, you are in a highly secure research facility. The three of you, along with your sentient cloak, are here for surveillance and testing." She answered, this made Theo incredibly confused, "Sorry what testing?" She asked, walking closer to the wall of the box. 

"You're visitors from another universe, your magnetic signatures could be radioactive, you may be carrying diseases we just don't have treatments for. Hence these amazing polycarbonate fish bowls." Christine explained, making Theo roll her eyes in frustration. America looked around the 'fish bowl'.

Stephen looked at the red head, "I assume I have you to thank for these." He said, putting his wrist forward with the cuffs on them. Christine smiled, "Yes, I developed those using the sands of Nisanti, one of 838 Stephen's magical relics." She said, seeming proud of her invention. 

Stephen scoffed, "838 Stephen? Is that some sort of cyborg me or-" He questioned before Christine interrupted him, "Our universe is 838, and we've designated yours 616." She told him.

"Oh so you must know a lot about the multiverse if you've got someone going around naming realities." Stephen stated, "Yes. Me." The red haired woman replied, "I'm a senior fellow with the Baxter foundation and I specialise in multiversal research." She told them. 

Theo looked at America, tapping her on the shoulder to get her attention before mouthing 'Are you okay?' The other girl nodded, 'Are you?' She asked back, noticing some of the cuts on Theo's face started to bleed again. Theo nodded but America raised her hand to wipe some of the blood of her face, the blonde looked at the girl with admiration and love as she felt her face heat up. The two had completely forgotten where they were for a moment, not hearing the conversation between Stephen and Christine.

They snapped back into reality when Stephen started talking about Wanda, "There is someone form my universe who wants that girl and she's gonna rip this place apart, atom by atom, until she gets what she wants. So I don't care if your from the Avengers or S.H.I.E.L.D-" Before he could finish, another voice interrupted him. 

"We're neither." Mordo said, Theo feeling a rage build up in her by seeing him. Lights started to flicker slightly as Theo's cuffs tried to contain her power. America noticed this and held her hand, "Well what then?" Stephen asked, now looking at the other man, "HYDRA?" He asked, Theo felt her heart stop after hearing that name, memories flooding her mind. 

"The illuminati will see you now." Mordo stated, "The illumi-whati?" Stephen questioned as he cuffs joined together and he was walked out of his box by robot looking things, "Don't let anyone hurt those kids." He said to Christine before he walk by the two girls, "Its gonna be okay." He comforted them.

"Dad?" Theo called after him, "You hurt him, I'll kill you." She shouted at Mordo as they walked away.  America pulled her away from the wall, "He'll be okay." She nodded.

Christine walked over to Theo, "You're quite different than you are in this universe." She stated, "How come?" Theo asked, curiously. The redhead thought for a moment, "Well, you're not as powerful in this universe, you need to be extremely powerful to be able to use your powers with the cuffs on." 

Theo furrowed her eyebrows, "But I didn't use my powers." She said, confused. Christine shook her head, "You flickered the lights and caused the computers to malfunction for a moment when Mordo walked in." The blonde was quite surprised, "Well aren't you observant." She commented.

There was a silence, Theo played with her necklace, wondering what her dad was doing. America, on the other hand, kept pacing around. Theo froze, a bad feeling waved over her, she stood up and grabbed America's hand, stopping the girl. "Somethings not right." 

Just then an alarm went off, Theo's heartbeat raced as her grip on America tightened, "She's here." She said, quietly. Explosions and fighting could be heard, not too far from were they were standing.

'Intruder approaching' 

Christine walked around, "Everybody out. NOW!" She commanded, the alarm continuing as she rushed over to the computer and tried to open the box. Theo looked behind them seeing fire and smoke, a robot rushed into the fire and soon only the head flew back out as Wanda could be seen. The witch was covered in a black liquid and moved quickly towards them.

"Hurry hurry she's coming!" America yelled at the scientist as Theo started punching the box, her hands becoming bloody as she failed to break it. "Oh no." Christine said as Wanda took control of the computer. "Oh no what?" The blonde asked, frantically.

Christine looked stressed, "She's taken control of the computer, I can't unlock the fish bowl." The woman looked around before spotting a fire extinguisher and using it to bash on the wall, Theo finally stopped hitting the wall when her hands became too sore to continue. 

America took a step back before punching the wall, causing a massive crack in the shape of a star, "Woah." She said, looking amazed, "Woah." Said a surprised Christine, as Wanda approached Theo stepped in front of America. 

Just then, Charles Xavier, went into Wanda's mind and gave them time for America to punch the glass again, this time it shattered the wall and the two girls jumped out. Christine deactivated Theo's cuffs as the three ran down the halls.

They came to a holt as they heard approaching footsteps, Theo getting ready to fight. However Stephen ran past before running towards the three, "You alright?" He asked before America suffocated him in a hug, "You alright?" He asked her, "Yeah." She responded, letting go so Theo could hug him, "Thank god your okay." She stated, "Are you okay?" He asked, noticing her bloody hands, "Yeah, I'm fine." Once they parted, his cloaked attached itself to his back.

"She fixed him." America told him, looking at Christine, who walked up to meet them. "Thank you." Stephen said with a smile, "Yeah." She replied, still a bit shaken.

Stephen then went on to talk about finding the book of Vishanti, "Can you take us there?" He asked the red haired woman, "How am I supposed to trust you?" She asked, Stephen spoke in a softer, "I know what happened and I'm sorry for what he did but believe me, the book of Vishanti is the only way." He explained to her, ignoring the confused look from his daughter. 

"Yeah, your way." Christine replied. "You sound a lot like my Stephen right now, he had to be the one holding the knife and then that knife killed a trillion people." 

America defended him, "This Stephen is different. He is. It doesn't matter about all the other Stephens, you're not like them." Theo and Stephen smiled at the girl, the woman sighed, "Smart kid." Stephen told her. 

Rumbling could be heard from above them. 

"Give me your hand." Christine ordered, Stephen complied and she took of his cuff before pulling him forward, "Do not make me regret this." She said, "I won't." 

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