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Theo's nerves were getting higher, "Right we've got to go." She said, America quickly agreeing with her, "Yeah, can we go now?" She asked, nervously.

They all continued running down corridors and rushing down stairs, hearing Wanda following after them. As they walked into a room, Christine shut the door behind them. "Where does that go?" Stephen asked her, "Under the river." She answered as they started rushing down, Wanda opened the door.

The woman was covered in blood and oil and walked like a zombie. Her bright red eyes stared at them.

"Holy shit." Theo muttered.

Stephen rushed them to run, "Go, go, go, go, go!" He shouted. As they ran, Christine kept closing the doors. However, Wanda used her magic to blast holes in them as the witch continued after them.

After closing a door, they stopped, noticing Wanda hadn't broken down the door. It was quiet. Far too quiet. They looked around, "Where did she go?" America whispered, then suddenly Wanda appeared from the side making America scream and grab onto Theo tightly. 

The four started walking backwards, "I warned you." Scowled an inhuman sounding Wanda. Christine put her arm in front of the two girls as they walked back, "Other Wanda if you're in there, hold your breath." Stephen said before he caused the roof to collapse and water to flood the place. They rushed though a door and closed it quickly. 

"Did you kill her?" America asked, still holding onto Theo's hand, "No, I just bought us some time." He replied as the ran up to a door. 

Once the were at the door, they stopped, "The books through here but only Stephen's ever opened it." Christine informed the others, Stephen attempted to open it using his magic but it failed, "Shit." He thought and then muttered to himself, Theo found herself looking down at her hand being held by America's and smiled. "Stephen!" Christine said, holding up his watch.

The man looked at it and noticed that it fit with the wheel, "Yeah, thank you." He said, taking the watch and stared at Christine lovingly.

"Not to be rude but remember we have a evil witch after us?" Theo exclaimed, breaking the gaze between the two adults. Stephen rolled his eyes, then turned around and placed the watch in the compartment, "Open sesame." The door unlocked and showed a place with ruined buildings floating around and a colourful sky, in the middle they spotted the book of Vishanti.

Stephen was the first to jump, "Come on." Theo smiled at America, letting go of her hand to follow after him. "You got this kid." Stephen said to her. 

The brunette jumped off and Theo caught her, making sure she landed safely, Stephen doing the same to Christine. "This is the gap junction, the space between universes." The woman informed them as they walked closer to the book. 

Just as Stephen went up the book and brought it down, America was pulled back and held by Wanda, "America!" Theo shouted as the girl screamed, Stephen shot magical blasts at the witch but was over powered and fell back. The book of Vishanti burned from Wanda's powers.

Theo ran quickly towards Wanda and in a fit of rage blasted a strong amount of energy towards the witch who stumbled back, quickly recovering, Wanda held the girl in place using her magic. She then used America's power to open a portal, she threw both Stephen and Christine in the portal.

Theo struggled to get out of the witches grasp and Wanda controlled America to switch portals, the portal showed the Scarlet Witch dreamwalking, "Let her go, you demonic bitch." Theo scowled before getting thrown into the portal, hitting her head off the stone wall. 

Wanda then threw America in the portal before she woke up for dreamwalking and stared at the girl. The brunette girl stared back, frightened. The witch walked up to her, "This isn't what your children would want." America said to her but was held in place by Wanda and thrown on the large stone table, the brunette looked at Theo who was lying on the floor.

"They'll never know." Wanda replied, "Maybe not, but you will." America said back. Just then, Wanda used magic to pin America to the table. As the witch was about to cast a spell, she was thrown forward by a blast of electric power and standing behind her was a very pissed off looking Theo, who's eyes were glowing white. 

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