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Lex Luthor is many things but a fool isn't one of them. Having raised by an abusive, overworked father would have that effect on him. An impact. A mark. Something that would make him the man he was today. Ruthless, a sociopath with no moral compass. All he knew was destructiveness.

He became obsessed with his works, immensely, driving it to perfection that anyone in the way would suffer the consequences.

Consequences, such as the lifeless body lying on cold hard pavement ground of an abandon building. He was still fresh from all the oozing of blood coming out of his forehead. Armed guards were rounded up near the body unfazed about the dead man shot by Lex Luthor. Like they've gotten use to his ghastly acts out of pure rage. Some dare to press his buttons but others were smart enough not to.

The gun clicked back in to place after firing and Lex had set aside it nearby a wooden table sliding it away.
"That was unfortunate. Did anyone know if he had family? No? Oh well." He shrugged taking out his blue handkerchief from his pocket.

"I have a plan and I expect each of you to follow thoroughly," he responded forcefully wiping away any blood splattered from his face.

Whenever Lex Luthor was out of patience, angry- furious, he became extremely confident. Dreading for a conclusion of problems within his own people. He would shoot and afterwards give a huge speech.

"Mr. Colt is expecting a greater outcome as am I and I don't like when I'm the one who has to clean up a mess! So I'm assigning new leadership." He takes strides from around the armed men as they listened like trained dogs ready to fight for the man who was going to make humanity great.

As heads were held high and guns were loaded to be trigger from the word of the man, one stood out from the rest. Well there were two but he was idly sitting by just waiting for a task to be handed to him. He'll just have to wait his turn. But no, someone else had the attention in the room.

The helmet stood out the most, with a glint that overshadowed the colors of black and red. One half black and the other side dark red. Brown eyes so fiercely poking out from two holes, because of course, how else can one see from this shielded face helmet? Her long groomed hair fell from her back but protected her skull from a flying bullet. The metallic armor of the two dark colors did cover her fully, head to toe.

The men had stepped aside to let the mysterious woman in the circle. Her head held high just like the others but much more with assertiveness. "Certainly if one cannot achieve a chore giveth, there must be immediate change."

Everyone in the room had set their eyes at the stranger. Lex gesture towards the woman smiling, "meet the lovely Vittoria. She'll be making the demands from now on since it was pitiful-" he kicks the cold body away like it was a piece of trash, "one had to be wasted."

He raised an eyebrow to one of his men signaling to clean up the mess. Two of them begin to drag the body away from the scene leaving a trail of blood along the way. Now all that was left was the dead man's pile of blood, Lex, his men, and the new recruit.

A loading truck outside was heard outside of the abandon building that alerted everyone.
"Ah just in time!" Lex exclaims. He motions Vittoria to follow him.

They were heading towards a loading dock, one of Lex's armed men didn't need to be told to pull the chain down. What revealed was a dark like tunnel inside a truck.

Tension and curiosity grew within the new recruit, not knowing what hid inside the truck sort of worried her. Was she right for trusting a mad man? Should she had given a second thought? This was the right thing to do. She was certain, without doubt.

The sound of rolling wheels was heard inside the never-ending looming dark inside the truck. Vittoria was too caught up in her thoughts to notice the man before who pulled down the chain to open the gate, had receded from her sight. He was inside obtaining whatever Lex had ordered or shipped.

"This is something I've been working on for a real long time now." He admits looking at Vittoria carefully.

The sound of squealing wheels stopped shortly, taking Lex's eyes off the girl. A magliner carried out a long cylinder pod out the of shadows and in to the light. The material of the pod was metal there was no doubt but there was nothing inside, at least that is what it looked liked.

"What has this got anything to do with me?" The sheltered girl spoke, the mask on her face made her voice scarily deeper and cold.

Lex smirked then he took out a small device from the inside pockets of his navy blue blazer. The device had a huge red button on top, he pressed on it firmly. This made Vittoria cautious making her scan the room as if to see something or someone would explode. She's seen too many movies to know a triggered red button could be some type of explosion.

She searched but nothing like that has happen.
Instead, this button allowed white smoke to disperse from the inside of the pod. It cleared away of whatever was hiding in there. She saw feet first then legs, genitals, a torso and finally an unknown face.

Vittoria wondered who the boy was, he looked oddly familiar but couldn't quite pin point why.

"I need you to get me the guy who can successfully bring this boy to life." Luthor tells her.

"And you can't get him yourself because..?" She tries him.

"Because he's locked away in a facility known as Arkham Asylum, are you up to the task?"

Vittoria never thought she'd end up here but with the way she grew up, the way she goes out of her way to pursuit more information about her father; she couldn't think of any other way of how else her life would end up.

She reached for her silver sword from her back leaving a whistle in the air when she retrieves it. "Tell me everything."

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