[2]"𝙰𝚗𝚢𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎, 𝙰𝚗𝚢𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚂𝚞𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕."

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"People go, memories don't."

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Birds chirping outside is always the first alarming reminder that it was morning when you had no sleep at all throughout the night. Your mind is filled with thoughts of regret and too worn out to even be thinking of regretting getting sleep. That's what Kara was feeling as soon as her feet touched her carpet.

Her mind occupied by the events that happened yesterday took a toll. She didn't mean to scare Kelly but it sort of just..came out. Anyone who even slightly mentions the name of her sister completely leaves her boiling and reluctant. All too well knowing that a harsh memory would cloud her judgement and take over her defensive system. Like a robot on autopilot.

When she finally decided to get up she headed straight to the living room, turning on the tv. What she didn't except to see was a video of Supergirl surfacing on the news. It was about what had happened yesterday downtown, when a thief snatched a woman's purse. Supergirl being the hero she was had saved the day, and when she thought she escaped this tragedy, the news anchors were beginning to criticize.

'I don't know what has gotten in to the 'Girl of Steel' but she needs to seriously get her head screwed in straight'

'Tell me about it! I'm scared to even walk out of my house.'

The sound of a loud crash scared sitting pigeons outside Kara's window sill. Tv was smashed in pieces leaving smithereens of glass on top of the table that it was placed on, and all around her carpet. She knew the damaged but she couldn't careless about the tv or the remote. It suddenly felt like the whole world was turning against her and there was nothing she could do about it. Maybe her anger was a reflection of all the sleepless nights—that was one theory.

Leaving the now useless TV, she trudged her feet towards the kitchen where she decided to just make coffee. Oh how she loved coffee, she could drink for days, hell she probably can if she wanted too. One of the perks of not being from this planet, her DNA was no match opposed to limited food, drinking and never feeling a slight of bloating. Coffee was the same, it didn't fully awaken Kara but it sure did soothe her.

The thought of work never much excited Kara enough like the first day she started working at CatCo. Her employees noticed her lacking of improving skills as a reporter. CEO Cat Grant even had her demoted back in to being her assistant. Ms. Grant could've easily fired her but when she heard the devastating news of her beloved sister, Alex, she took pity. Which is absurd, Kara hated when people pitied her.

When the horrible news that was the death of Alex Danvers hit the company, it had spread like wildfire. You could round a corner and a staff member would 'discreetly' engage of the topic with another coworker. For Kara it annoyed her because she could hear them from across the room, the break room, restrooms, all around the perimeter of CatCo. This caused a severe panic attack rushing herself out of there as she flew upward, destroying an elevator in the process.

No one knew who had done it to this day. Of course the world was still yet, oblivious to the identity of Supergirl. She'd meant to revealed her true colors to the world but after Alex died, she wanted nothing more but to be left hidden for eternity. And being just Kara Danvers in days she felt completely alone, a reminder close to her heart that Alex was the reason she became who she was.

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