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Larry stood up instantly regretting it as his legs throbbed. Laurent stood straight with a look that could burn the world. Bryan stood in the doorway with a look to match.

"Why you up here Lau?" Bryan asked acting as though he didn't just rape his husband with his family and friends just downstairs.

"Came to find my brother. Why are you up here? Using that voice?" The voice in question was the yell he tried to erupt while bursting through the door. It was an alpha voice. One that was only used for intimidation, and to strike down anyone who dared to defy an alpha. Laurent knew his twin was not one to deserve the tone.

"Laurent I'm fine. Let's go back down. Mami made cake." Larry says as his voice shakes. Bryan took a step forward when Laurent grabs his arm and slams him against the wall face first.

"We will go downstairs, we will continue this party for the sake of my mother, but you will NOT touch my brother again as long as I'm in this house. You will dissappear into the crowd below and then we will have a little chat once everyone leaves." Laurent growls in a way only a true alpha could. Bryan nodded as he knew any other response would result in his death. Laurent has a history of removing people from the earth if he pleased. He was feared and Bryan was his oldest and most loyal friend. The betrayal was deep and concerning. Bryan went downstairs and Larry watched his twin closely. Larry took a deep breath before speaking.


"Why didn't you tell me?" He says turning. He watched then as Larry fell apart. He fell to his knees and gasped for air as the cries ripped through his chest.

"I-I...h-he...I c-couldn't..." Laurent lifted his brother off the floor and sat him on his lap after sitting on the bed. He held his brother tightly and soon sat him up to wipe his eyes.

"Baby please. How long has he done this to you?" Larry gripped his sides and looked down.


"Oh god. Well I'm glad I stopped him before he did anything else." He saw as Larrys eyes filled with tears and he bit his lip hard.

"He's done something else hasn't he?" Larry folded in on himself full of embarassment.

"What has he done?"

"I don't...please don't make me talk about it right now."

"Fine, but once this party is over and I have a word with Bryan, you're coming home with me." Larry panicked.

"No, please just go enjoy and I'll be fine." Laurent gripped Larrys chin and made him look up. The fear in Larrys eyes broke his heart. He released his face and chose to instead cup his face in his hands and wipe the tears from his face.

"You are coming home with me. End of discussion." Larry nodded which earned him a kiss to his nose.

"Let's get you cleaned up so mami doesn't get worried." He coaxed Larry into the bathroom and after some mild argument about him bathing Larry, his twin finally caved and allowed Lau to bathe him resulting in growls everytime he found a cut or a bruise on his body. Once he had Larry cleaned and dressed they re-emerged at the party. Laurent made sure Larry stayed with him the whole night. Their mother although being busy in the kitchen most of the night had a feeling something was wrong when she saw the darkness in Laurents eyes and the puffiness of Larrys face. Hours later all guests had left and Bryan being slightly drunk found the courage to stand up to Laurent. Larry sat with his mother and wouldn't make eye contact with either male prescense. His mother could feel his trembles. She placed a hand on his thigh and felt her heart ache when he flinched from the touch. She watched as both men stood facing each other.

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