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Sorry for any mistakes!

It had been a couple of weeks since everything and Larry had been ok. His ups and downs are taking Laurent for a ride he wasn't prepared for. He was never sure how to handle the mood swings. Right now, Larry's crying in his room. A few days back, they got the rest of Larry's stuff, and as Larry was going through, he found a picture. A picture of him and Bryan on their honeymoon. Laurent tried to hide it, but Larry found it regardless. He's held onto it and cried for at least a day and a half. Laurent stood outside his door. He sighed before opening the door. He crawled into the bed behind Larry and held him tight.

"Why didn't he love me?" Larry whimpered.

"Baby." Lau sighed.

"I don't know why. I love you, though, baby." He turned around and curled into Lau's chest.

"I know that. It just hurts so much." Laurent stroked Larry's hair and kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry. I offered to gut him. The offer still stands." Larry smiled and leaned up for a kiss.

"Thank you, baby."

"Is that a yes?"

"No." Larry chuckles, smacking Lau's chest. Laurent smiled.

"Ok. But if you change your mind-"

"I'll let you know."

"Go take a shower, baby. I'll make lunch, ok?" With a nod, Larry gets up and showers while Lau goes to the kitchen.

"Is he getting up?" Mami asked.

"Yea. Look mami I know you have a busy life you don't have to stay here."

"I'm not leaving. Not until I know my baby boy is safe." Laurent feigned hurt at her words.

"I'm not your baby boy too?" She smiled.

"You are. Unlike you, he doesn't know how to protect himself. To be honest, I've seen you murder more men than Larry has bugs. So he's my baby boy." She watched as her son smiled before looking stern.


"Yes, baby?"

"Are you disappointed in me?"

"What? Why?"

"Because of how I made myself. The fact that I was more violent than the rest of your kids. Mami, I've done a lot of bad things to get where I am now."

"I know that baby. Look at you now. You're my strong, independent boy. Always have been. The day you learned to shift was the day I knew you didn't need me anymore. You were barely two years old. None of my babies knew how til they were five, at least. Larry didn't shift til he was almost ten, and that's because he was so embarrassed and afraid you'd make fun of him."

"Oh mami, I'd never."

"I know that baby, but he didn't." Lau nodded with a sad face.

"Laurent, you mean everything to him. The thought of you hating him or shunning him made him very weary. He told me he was gay three weeks before he told you."

"I don't want him to be scared of me. I want him to be comfortable."

"I am comfortable." Larry says, scaring them.

"I just... sometimes want to make sure I'm at my best in front of you." Larry says, noting how Laus face never changed. Larry walked up and hugged him close, laying his head on Lau's chest.

"Don't feel bad. I still love you no matter what." Laurent hugged Larry back tightly.

"Thank you, baby." Larry sighed into the hug.

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