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Sorry for any mistakes!!!

Laurent watched his brother sleep. He sighed before getting up and going into his own room. Anger could not begin to describe how he was feeling right now. Sterilized? Never in a million years would he think his brother would've been sterilized. Who thinks of doing such a thing anyway. He eventually went downstairs to find their mother. She was sitting on his couch with a pair of headphones on watching a show on her computer. He sat beside her causing her to pause the show and take them off.

"Finished for the night?" She laughed, only to see her sons face.

"What happened?"

"Please don't tell Larry I said this but...he was half asleep, rambling and I pushed him in his state."

"Laurent what did you do?"

"Nothing bad mama, I just know if i bring it up to him when hes concious he'll get all upset." He watched as she nodded and waited for him to clarify.

"He started apologizing for not having any children. Of course I was confused and asked what he meant. He then starts saying how he didn't know until it was too late and couldn't stop it. Bryan had him sterilized." The shock on his mothers face made his heart hurt.

"I need to know more but I don't know what to do. Is he actually fixed or did Bryan just tell him that? Is he taking medication? Do I call doctors or do I fuck up Bryan until I get a straight answer?"

"You and I both know going to Bryan will only make things worse. Maybe while he's sleeping you can go through his room and see if theres any medicine."

"I don't want to snoop mama. I want him to trust me. He needs to trust me or he won't heal. If he finds out I've been going through his stuff he'll never talk to me agian." Laurent laid his head in his hands and sighed. His mother rubbed his back in sympathy.

"Then you'll have to learn to be patient and wait until he tells you himself. In the meantime you need to rest. He's gonna want more when he wakes up." Laurent laughed at his mothers words.

"Sometimes you scare me with how ok you are about this. What mother allows her sons to fuck in another room while she watches tv?"

"One who knows better than to seperate two boys who obviously need each other but they are both to stupid to figure it out on their own." She says with a look that makes Laurent stop and think. He quickly goes upstairs and lays in his own bed to process what just happened. Around 12 hours later when Laurent and his mother have both slept and had breakfast a very horny Larry wakes up. He looks and sees his brother has gone and now feel guilty for allowing his brother to touch him. What if he scared him off? What if something they did yesterday disgusted his brother and now he's runnning from him? Larry knew there was only one way to find out. He slowly crawled out of bed, put on some cozy pajamas and made his way downstairs. He sees his mother sitting at the table but no Laurent to be found.

"Hello baby. Sleep good?" His mother smirked. He felt his cheeks burn from embarassment.

"Please tell me you didn't hear any of that?"

"Oh no. I sat here with some headphones in until your bother came down."

"Oh good. Wh-where is he anyhow?"

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