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Sorry for any mistakes!

When Laurent came down stairs he sees Larry sitting on his knees on the couch fiddling with his fingers. A nervous habit when he was thinking. Laurent sat down and Larry looked up at him with a sad look.

"What's up baby?" Lau asked rubbing Larrys thigh.

"I'm sorry." Larry whispered.

"Sorry for what?"

"That...that I let him in. That he...I allowed him to fuck me." Laurent saw the tears before Larry dropped his head.

"Larry, it's not your fault. You were scared. You were in heat. I don't blame you. You don't need to apologize to me."

"I feel like I should. I feel like..." Larry wanted to say cheated but how could he have cheated on Laurent. They aren't together. He bit his lip and tried not to cry.

"You were being so sweet and doing so much for me and I let you down. I allowed him into your home. I let him touch me. I let him...let him knot me." His voice cracked at his last two words and Laurent knew he was in some kind of blame state.

"Larry it's not your fault. You didn't know he was gonna do it. I could tell by your face that you did not once think he was gonna knot you. To be honest I wish I could've stopped it. He had no right doing that to you."

"He's never done it before." Larry whimpered. Laurent was shocked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean he's never done it. On our honeymoon when we were supposed to make it official he refused. He actually stopped and left when I asked him too. Everytime it felt like it was gonna happen he'd pull out or just not do it. I always felt something was wrong with me to make him recoil at the thought. Then he shows up and does this. Why? Why now? After all these years why did today have to be the day?" Larry was sobbing at this point.

"Its because he knows you're no longer his. You never were. If he wouldn't do that then he never connected to you. Thats why it was so easy to manipulate you. You felt drawn to him and he used that to keep you complicit and locked to him." Larry felt so betrayed and used. He couldn't think of anything else and for some reason being around his brother made him feel guilty and ashamed. Almost like he'd done something to hurt his brother even thought Laurent was oddly calm considering.

"H-how are you so ok with this?" Larry asked almost in a hateful tone.

"I'm far from ok with this but you don't need that. If I fly into a fit of rage right now it'll scare you more than he ever did. You'd hate me. I love you far too much to do that to you. I'm collecting my thought and doing what I need to and make sure you're ok before I go and gut that stupid piece of shit." Larry started to cry harder and Laurent was a tad confused at his emotions.

"Why are you crying baby?"

"Why do you care so much?" Laurent smiled and picked Larry up to sit him on his lap. He rubbed his hands up his back.

"I love you. Thats why?" He says catching Larrys eyes and pulled him in for a kiss. I very soft but purposeful kiss. Larrys arms wrapped around Laurents neck as Laurents wrapped around his waist. Larry felt safe. He felt comfort. He felt confused when his brother picked him up and carried him up the stairs. Laurent laid on the bed with Larry sitting on top.

"Laurent?" Lau pulled him down into another kiss before Larry quickly got off of him.


"No what?"

"No. We can't do this." Larry said crossing his arms around his stomach.

"Y-you're my twins a-and you're confused from my heat so don't...don't do that. Okay?" Larry rushed out of the room and Laurent laid there feeling upset. He pushed him knowing he wasn't ready. He gave Larry an hour to calm down before going to his room. He knocked getting a small come in.

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