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Sorry for any mistakes

Pulling up to the house Larry waited patiently for Laurent to open his door. Once opened Larry raced him to the house. Laurent opened the door to their mother sitting on the couch. She heard Larry trample up the stairs before turning to see Lau casually taking off his shoes and setting his keys down.

"You two have really been going at it. Does he ever get tired?"

"Mama! You can't just ask me that!"

"Why not? Mark tells me all of his business."

"Mark's weird mami. To answer your question no he doesn't seem to. I'm not sure what it is."

"You satisfy him baby. He probably hasn't been satisfied in two years. That's a long time to be unhappy." Lau nodded. He felt a pang of sadness at the thought his baby hadn't been satisfied in so long.

"You sure you're ok with this. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"Baby you forget your eldest sister used to do this all the time in my house and got herself knocked up. I'm perfectly fine with you guys doing whatever. At least I know you're home safe." Lau kissed his mother's cheek before running up the stairs. Larry was seated, naked, on the bed. Lau locked the door and walked over to him.

"Someone's eager." Larry nodded and turned around. He presented himself to Lau making him groan.

"More slick huh?" Lau says taking his index finger and rubbing it around Larry's glistening entrance. Larry whined and arched his back more.

"Alpha?" Lau loved the name. Loved how it made him feel. Suddenly a breeze blew in and Laurent smelled something sweet. Veronica. She's not as sweet or enticing as Larry's heat but any heat is enough to make his eyes dilate and his instincts to kick in. Larry knew this. This is why he cracked the window open. He wanted Lau to fuck him like he was nothing more than a toy to dump his cum into. Larry was going wild at the thought. Lau eased his finger into Larry slightly open hole. He was surprised it was lax enough but when one is ready. They're ready. Lau stripped quickly and immediately pushed in. Larry gasped. He knew he was open but not that much. Lau was big. Especially in the presence of a heat he'd swell. He must have forgotten because he continued to push in causing Larry to sit up. He gripped laus hips behind him and let out a shaky breath.

"Lau wait." He whispered. Laurent wrapped his arms around Larry, kissing his neck.

"What's wrong babe?"

"You're swollen love. It kinda hurts." With gentle kisses on his neck and shoulders he breathed in Veronica's sent and in that moment felt himself swell up more.

"I'm sorry baby." He gave Larry a moment to adjust.

"Ah shit." Larry whimpered. Larry slowly bent himself back over and pulled a pillow over to lay on.

"I'm fine now." Lau groaned and gripped Larry's hips.

"My sweet little pup. You did this on purpose didn't you?" Laurent says slowly pulling out and pushing back in.


"Such a naughty pup." Larry whined at the name. No ones ever called him that so lovingly. Laus thrusts were deep and hard. Larry gripped the pillow and moaned out. Lau then decided to just grind into Larry. Larry panted into the pillow.

"L-lau!" Laurent pulled out and flipped Larry over. He leaned down and licked up Larry's neck. He pushed back in, watching as Larry's head flings back and his hands grip his shoulders.

"So tight baby. So tight."

"Mmm." Lau gripped tightly to Larry's hips and drove into him like it was his life mission.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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