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Sorry for any mistakes!

Laurent woke up first. He kissed Larry's nose before climbing out of bed and going downstairs to find their mother. She was cooking breakfast. He walked up to her and kissed her temple.

"Morning, mami."

"Morning baby? Is he ok?" Lau shook his head.

"He...he told me. About everything Bryan's done to him. While physically, he didn't abuse him much. The mental and emotional abuse was so bad, Mama. Plus...he...he had him..." Lau couldn't get it out. He was so heartbroken. Mami stopped what she was doing to embrace her son.

"He was sterilized?" Lau nodded and proceeded to break down. He had never felt such pain. He sobbed into his mother before he felt her push him off. He was confused until he was gripped tightly.

"I'm so sorry." He whimpered into his brothers shoulder.

"Sshh Lau. It's ok." Larry pulled Lau to the couch and laid him down. He sat on the floor beside his head and stroked his face softly.

"It's not your fault. I'm fine. Please don't cry." Laurent had more tears come to his eyes. Larry just laid his head over on his brother while Lau rubbed his head.

"You know I think I have something that would help you." Larry says, standing up.

"What?" Lau says, sitting up slightly. Then, he watched in pure amazement as his brother shifted into the beautiful wolf he was. All black except this white spot at the tip of his tail. No one knew why he had it. He then proceeded to climb on top of Laurent and allow his body weight to sink fully on his brothers chest. Laurent sighed gratefully as he petted his brothers ears.

"You're so cute like this." Larry nipped his chin in protest, and all Lau could do was kiss his snout and smile.

"You are. Maybe later we could go for a run." Larry's tail swished. They hadn't gone for a run in years. He nuzzled under his brothers neck and sighed. Laurent played with his brothers fir for a while before dozing off. When he woke up, Larry was sitting beside him whining, pressing his cold nose against his cheek.

"Can you fucking stop that." Lau growled rolling over. Larry whimpered.

"Lau. That's no way to talk to you brother." Mami says smacking his leg. Laurent sat up before looking down at a puppy eyed Larry.

"I'm sorry baby. I wasn't awake. I love your little nose." Larry laid his head in Lau's lap getting head scratches.

"Mami. I'm gonna take Larry for a run." Mami smiled.

"Have fun babies." Lau got his shoes on before getting a head tilt.

"I'm not shifting." The whine he received almost made him reconsider.

"Larry. You're bigger than the average wolf already. Imagine the terror people will have when I do it. I'm twice your size. Just let me run." Larry agreed by butting his head into Lau's thigh. They left running up to the park and hitting a few trails. Larry missed this. His body could handle more in this form. He ran up and hill before stopping. He was overlooking a lake. He laid down and rested waiting for Lau. Laurent came shortly after with a smile.

"You've gotten faster." He sat beside his brother and pat his head.

"Its beautiful up here. Remember when we would come up here and bring the boys. Fight and tussle around."

"You guys would." The voice startled Lau. He turned to see his brother sitting there.

"What do you mean?"

"Your friends didn't like me. Except Bryan. We would um...make out behind that tree." Larry says playing with some rocks.

"Awe babe."

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