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Sorry for any mistakes!!

It's been two days since the knotting incident and Larry's heat is still in full swing. He's blaming the pills but he's having a great time. He's noticed he's not as nervous in the house anymore and definitely calmed down on the crying. Today the boys went out and Larry actually felt relieved as Laurent took him to a new area as to not run the risk of bumping into Bryan. When they got home everything was going smoothly. However today their mother had to go home for a while as their sister called due to going into labor. This did however set Larry back a bit. He had no idea his sister was pregnant. Laurent found him after their mother left curled up in bed.

"Hey Larry? What's going on?"

"She was pregnant?" Lau sighed and came to cuddle on the bed.

"Yea. They'd been trying for a year and she finally got pregnant. Their expecting a little boy." Larry nodded and sniffled making Laurent hold him tighter.

"I thought we told you."

"I'm not crying because I didn't know Lau." Laurent sat up causing Larry to do the same.

"Then why?"

"Because it's supposed to be me! I'm supposed to be the one everyone's rushing to see. The one who's been married the longest and who should've had litters of new pups. Instead I'm here, sobbing my life away over a man who didn't love me and yet a pat of me wished he did because maybe he wouldn't have..." Larry stopped and looked down at the blanket.

"Wouldn't have what?" Laurent calmly pushed hoping Larry would tell him.

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine."

"Larry you're not fine. What's going on?"

"Its nothing. I'm just upset Bryan didn't want kids is all." Laurent knew he was lying but decided not to push him anymore. He decided instead to suggest they play some video games to ease their minds. About an hour into the gaming Laurent got a phone call. He walked away leaving Larry to think over the previous conversation. He's going to have to tell his brother at some point about the sterilization but with his sisters new baby, now didn't seem the time. When Laurent returned he was in a suit and was slipping on some very nice shoes.

"I completely forgot I'm meeting some new people to hire and four of the ten have showed up. I have to run. Stay here and I'll bring you something when I get back." Laurent said with a smirk.

"B-but what will I do if I...ya know-"

"Don't worry about it. Here I found this pill, it's herbal and it will calm you until I get back. Don't take it until you really feel desperate otherwise the timing will be off." Larry nodded and hugged his brother goodbye. He spent the next two hours continuing the game. Suddenly he heard the door bell ring and without a second thought got up and opened the door. His body froze and he held his breath when he saw him.

"You gonna let me in?"

"Y-you shouldn't be here." Larry whispered staring at the doormat. He couldn't look up. He couldn't see his face.

"Who's gonna stop me?" Larrys heart picked up. He was right. No one was here to stop him. Suddenly he was pushed back into the house. He heard the door slam and lock. He just stood there. Fingers fiddling with each other, staring at the floor. He felt as Bryan circled him. Then he was pressed up to his back.

"You smell so good." He growled. Panic started to set in when he realized what he meant.

"You were always such a little slut. Are you still daddy's little slut?" Larrys head began to spin. His heat wouldn't allow him to say no. The words alone was enough to set him off. Next thing he knew he was gripped by the throat and pushed against the wall.

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