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After breakfast the boys sat on the couch because mami decided she was cleaning up. Larry cuddled into the side of his brother on the couch and slowly sunk down into a ball in his side. Laurent watched as his brother imersed himself into the television. He'd never seen Larry so focused on anything in his life.

"Hey baby I wanna have a talk with you will you come upstairs with me?" Lau asked rubbing his brothers arm. He waited on a reponse but never got one. That's when he noticed Larrys eyes had glazed over. He was no longer apart of reality. He lifted Larry to place him in his lap when Larry paniced and pushed himself away landing on the floor. Laurent watched in agony as his brother stood up and looked ready to defend himself. Laurent gently reached forward and took Larrys hand before standing up.

"Let's go upstairs."

"No." Larry whispered.


"Because I don't...I feel-"

"Safer down here. Where mami can see and hear?" Larrys eyes flooded with tears and folded his arms in front of his stomach.

"I'm sorry."

"No don't be sorry. Will you come with me if I promise to keep the door open so mami can still hear?" Laurent asked pulling his brother into a hug.

"Y-yea." Lau gently walked his brother into his room and sat on the bed coaxing Larry to do the same. Larry sat on the edge of the bed staring at the floor.

"I know you don't want to talk about it but I need to know. What has he done to you?"

"Lau." He whined.

"I know you don't want to but I need to know."


"Because what you say will determine how I aproach him the next time I see him." Larry stiffened at that.

"C-Can I tell you when the divorce is final?" Lau sighed.


"Because I don't want you to hurt him if I'm still married to him." Laurent sat for a minute before responding.

"It's that bad?"

"Well...what you saw the other day was the worst but I know how you'll react so I want to wait." Laurent laid down on the bed and Larry followed.

"I love you. You know that right? I wouldn't act like this if it wasn't for the fact you mean the world to me."

"I know. I just don't want you to go through all this."

"Larry I will fucking kill him if it means you stay safe. I feel responsible. Like I set you up for this. He never showed signs of being an abuser."

"It's not your fault. I should've told you the moment shit got scary. I knew you'd come save me but I also felt like I only ever called when I was in trouble."

"Larry that was the perfect moment to call. You never just call me for help you just remember those moments more because the feelings you experienced stuck with you the most."

They sat for a while with Larry staring at the floor and Laurent rubbing his back for support. Neither of them noticed their mother standing in the doorway. She had her hand on her chest as she witnessed the termoil her youngest boys were going through. She finally spoke making the boys look up at her.

"Lau, you got a call from a friend of yours. He said it was urgent." He nodded and looked at Larry.

"I'll be back." Larry gave him a sad smile earning a kiss on his forehead. When his brother left his mother sat beside him and held his hand.

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