Babyboy (pt. 1)

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Description: Where Taehyung has 2 dominant men pinning after him even though they are in a relationship with each other.

Ship: Namtaekook
Top: Namjoon and Jungkook
Bottom: Taehyung
Taehyung was currently sitting in a booth while his best friend was grinding against a man with a heart smile. Jimin had managed to drag him to the club but ditched him when the first good song came on. Taehyung wasn't really upset because he knows how outgoing his friend is but he was pouty. Taehyung was tracing the rim of his cosmopolitan with his fingertips when he heard someone sit on the other side of the booth. His eyes glanced up before he did a double take. There were two of the finest men Taehyung had ever seen walk this planet. The first one had a light purplish grey mullet, the front of his hair falling over his eyes. He had a pair of sunglasses propped up on his head making him look even hotter. He had dragon like eyes that had light brown contacts in them. His nose was perfect for his face, decorated with a small nose stud. His lips were pulled into a soft smile, Taehyung's eyes lingering there a little too long. The second man made Taehyung's thighs clench even more than they already were. His hair fell just above his shoulders but he styled it to where it was wet, giving him the sexy 'just out of the shower' look. He had a eyebrow piercing in his right eyebrow, the one that was currently arching as he looked at Taehyung. His eyes were doe like giving him a innocent appearance but Taehyung had a feeling he was far from it. His lips were small but looked so pink and kissable. He had another piercing on his lip, giving him that hot emo boy look. Once Taehyung was done analyzing them, he looked back and forth between them while arching a brow.

"Hello princess" the man with the mullet said causing for Taehyung to hold back a whine at the pet name.

Taehyung just nodded, trying to make him seem hard to get. The man with the mullet smirked softly before speaking again.

"I'm Namjoon" the man with the mullet now known as Namjoon introduced himself.

"Jungkook, pleasure to meet you pup" the other man introduced himself with a smirk, his voice coming out deeper than Taehyung thought it would.

Taehyung analyzed them for a moment longer before clearing his throat.

"Taehyung" Taehyung introduced himself, smirking internally as the look of surprise flashed across their faces at his voice.

The men both made brief eye contact with each other before looking at the male in front of them. Taehyung watched as their eyes scanned his whole body, making him squirm slightly from the heat of their stares. He looked down at his outfit, a red silk Chanel shirt that had more than a few buttons left open tucked into a pair of black leather pants ending with a pair of his favorite boots. He wasn't going to wear this but Jimin almost threw him out the window if he refused. He paired it with his gray contacts and rings on each of his fingers. His hair was currently black but it reached just below the top of his ears, making his hair look fluffy normally. He had decided to give his hair a more wet look and he's glad he made that decision for his outfit. He looked hot and he knew it.

"Well..... what's a pretty thing like you doing sitting alone?" Jungkook asked as he leaned forward a bit, placing his head on his hand in a relaxed manner.

"I was with my best friend but he ditched me to dance with some man. He was cute so I'm not too upset" Taehyung said as he took a sip of his drink.

He didn't notice the dark stares directed at his neck as his Adam's apple bobbed, making the 2 men across from him imagine some not so innocent things they wanted to do to him.

"Why did you come over anyway?" Taehyung blurted out as he looked at the two men.

"To put it bluntly, we want to fuck you" Namjoon said, chuckling softly as he saw Taehyung's eyes widen.

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