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"You appear too hot for a cute name like that."

Those were the words that maintained to ring in Jungwon's mind, even when their chatter had been hours ago. He had never heard Sunghoon's voice, let alone even seen the older in person. Regardless, that sentence was stuck in his head as he thought about it over and over again like a broken gramophone replaying the same tune for the umpteenth time.

He pretended he could hear the other's voice as clear as day. Jungwon could envision what it would sound like. It would appear as a gust of cold breeze when first listening to it, but as you'd gradually get accustomed to hearing that sound multiple times, it wouldn't have that chilly sensation anymore, but instead something more tender. Like a warm fireplace on a freezing winter evening. Nevertheless, it would presumably be something he'd want to hear every second that would pass by.

On the other hand, Jungwon still felt guilty regarding what he had done to terminate their conversation. He had simply left the chat and the app out of nowhere since he didn't know how to respond to the older's sudden announcement.

As a method to make himself feel better, Jungwon had accepted Sunghoon's friend request on Snapchat almost instantly, though, the other had never sent him anything after he had added him, making Jungwon undergo that anxious emotion again.

"He must hate me," Jungwon whispered to himself. He lay down on his bed with his arms and legs spread over the soft mattress as if he was a starfish lying comfortably on the sand on the bottom of the ocean, reviewing his own previous actions.

He wandered through his diverse thoughts, his reflections reaching Ni-ki. Jungwon unconsciously began to compare him with the person he had met only hours ago.

When Ni-ki had called him hot, he wasn't as fazed. Possibly because he was younger than him and he knew that factor wouldn't have a great effect on him. Or maybe it was the way he could easily converse with Ni-ki that drove him to be more relaxed around him.

With Sunghoon, it was rather different. He immediately recognized that the older seemed to be more on the formal side, even though the boy had stated before that he didn't need to talk in that manner with him. However somehow, he found the way that he spoke appealing.

"Damn, he did say that people find that attractive." Jungwon scratched his head at the belief.

"Ugh, maybe Sunoo was right. I don't need to settle on the first person I meet on the app. There are more fish in the sea."

Precisely when he had said that to convince himself that it was alright to feel these types of emotions for numerous people at once, the high tone of a new notification was heard from across the room.

Jungwon sighed before rolling over to the side where his phone lay on his nightstand.

A Match Has Been Found !
Chat With Them Now !

Jungwon hesitated before clicking on the notification and thus opening the app. He didn't really want to have a repeat of what transpired the last two times he was on there.

"Imagine crushing on three people at the same time," Jungwon mumbled with a chuckle following.

The boy decided that he should just unlock the app as he considered his feelings couldn't be any more messed up than it was right now at this very moment.

Match Made in Heaven ❀ WonkiWhere stories live. Discover now